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RE: AR-15 or AK47?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

well,Typos aside, the poll has ended.
we had 4 to 4 , a tie vote with one honorable mention for the 7.62 x 39 round.
For me, I agree that an AK is more sturdy (especially with a wood stock) and has less of a learning curve for field maintenance, it also has more pizzaz (stopping power) to the round.

An ar 15 has the advantages of lighter weight ammo and more options for modification that the end user can do themselves but it's standard rounds are weaker.

I would say for rule of law situations, home defense, range fun,a project, an AR is a good option but for worst case scenarios an AK might be more robust. Although an Ak is a lot of fun at an outdoor range too and if you had one in a multi intruder home invasion, you wouldn't feel under-gunned.
The good news is, for a lot of us, we DON'T have to choose one or the other, we could have BOTH.
we need to do what we can to support and keep the 2nd Amendment so it stays that way!