First of all, I just want to clarify this first - I'm not spreading any hate here at all :) No offense, no pointing fingers on particular members and definitely no threats of being an enemy to someone. I'm just a tech guy with a weakness for numbers.

Who's worth such mighty delegation?
I genuinely think the winner should be a group which is helping the STEEM ecosystem the most. And what's the best metric for this in these times, when voting bots are everywhere? Deffo not rewards...but what about comments?Anyway, there's a dpoll for 20k SP delegation run by @theycallmedan. And altho I'm a part of one of the two leading groups (therefore biased),Comments - the real metric of account importance
I genuinely believe this. Cuz you can buy as many votes as you want. But what about comments? You get comments from people only if:- Your content is sooooo amazing people come back to you and read it and comment
- You often comment somewhere else and you've created friendships - therefore people care about what you post and come to comment despite your content might not be the top-notch
Engagement comparison - @steemitbloggers & @steemchurch
These two are the leading groups in the poll right now. I've just checked the comment count of last 20 posts unter the tag #powerhousecreatives and #steemchurch. To see where the bigger engagement is. And to be honest, I was pretty surprised how huge the difference was.
Wow :O Well, that's a huge difference. If you don't believe me, just go and check for yourself. Obviously, it might be different when you'll be checking but I'm not lying - it's 19:11 CET right now and there are the current metrics (numbers).
I am just glad I could throw a vote in the bucket. Good luck and don't be afraid to throw a full upvote on all my shit posts with your new 20k in the bank.
somewhat depleted at the moment... but it's a start ;) Thank you for all the support!
VERY interesting stats @matkodurko! :) A clarification we can be proud of!
That's for sure! we are burning keyboards down from too much typing hahah :D
totally worth it! ;)
Yes, because if we win the delegation, I might be able to afford to buy extra band-aids for my owie fingertips... 😉 😂
That's an interesting observation @matkodurko! Although I'm not really surprised. Steemit Bloggers is built on engagement! Comments are a big part of our amazing support system. Which not only ensures support for all members, but also helps build our friendships within the community and makes it more like a family. I really hope we can win the dpoll this time!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!! @derekrichardson!!!! I love how you TRULY value what and WHO we are!
Perfectly said :) Oh, and we won btw :D
Always love your hilarious scientific approach to your blogs!
Engagement is the key for any blogger and @steemitbloggers certainly puts an emphasis on real community value through commenting, not through bid bots or other nonsense that goes on around here - real connections with real people - love it :)
Boom that's it :) Thx!
I find it really hard to say things, comments, maybe because I'm severely depressed and doomed, yes doomed I say, but I like steemitbloggers, or powerhouse creatives as called now. Been on steemit for over a year and find it a place to post my stuff; never going to be popular, but it seems I'm accepted, and maybe that's enough...
Oh @wales we love you!
Posted using Partiko Android
Im still not sure why you're so depressed all the time,,, I might be wrong in your particular case, but I kinda feel depression is a choice, not a state. Or?
... and numbers don't lie! :)
My parents used to say this always when I tried to make 'em believe I've learned hard for the exams :D
I really like maths! My mom says I am very good at it! one day I will be able to do cool stuff like this.
You are going to be amazing at no matter what you do do my baby xxx
Nice, I've always liked math as well..funny enough, the worse grade I ever got at the end of the year was actually from math :D But it was a year when I was deeeeeply in love and school wasn't so important hahah :D
btw how old r u exactly? You don't have to answer if you don't want, publishing your age online isn't always the best idea haha :D
I am 9 @matkodurko - and I am referring to me! "bootilicious" :P HAHAHHAHA
WHaaaat :D I'm puzzled now :DDD
ignore me LOL!!! It was poll psychosis :P
Awesomely stated, @matkodurko and those numbers actually speak to the reason that the Steemit Bloggers/Power House Creatives community kept me here on the blockchain.
Before that fateful day when @jaynie shared the Discord link with me, I was wandering around Steemland, upvoting and resteeming EVERYTHING (because it works just like Facebook here, right? 😂).
Once I joined the group, I realized that's the true worth of this platform - community. In fact, I think that should be Steemit's unofficial motto - "Come for the SBD, stay for the community."
I suppose my "bossy boots" tactics have their merit :P hey @matkodurko hehehehehe (juuuust winding you up!!!) ;) Truth is - you are ALL just FABULOUS individuals, with INHERENT PASSION and DEDICATION! - I just have the gift of "sniffing" your talent out of the crowd ;P
😂 😂
HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! the banner should be brown and the boots PINK!!!! ;)
wrrrrrrr.. :D
No dobře se ti to tady zase rozjelo :D Podle počtu komentářů by sis tu delegaci od Dana zasloužil ty, jak se tak dívám :D Btw, můj hlas už dávno máte ;)
Total no, sak som hodinu odpisoval :D ale tak budem mat 100 komentov, to je milestone :D Diks, vyhrali smee :)
Viděl jsem, gratulačka! :) Doufám, že budeš během pár měsíců aspoň kosatka :D
Jinak ten Dan co to pořádal, je dobrý týpek... sleduju ho už delší dobu. Občas mi i něco upvotne, jsou to docela rakety od něho :D
I think this is a great indication of just how much of a community spirit we have at #powerhousecreatives / @steemitbloggers! We all rally around each other and we truly do support one and other, whether it is through upvotes, comments, replies or resteems etc. We have a fantastic community and we just want the best for each other. I think the stats speak for themselves! :D Thanks for crunching the numbers! :)
And it's actually funny how small in numbers we are :D Before joining, I thought it's suuuperhuge community :) Quality over quantity!
Comments are really the true form of engagement! Votes don't really imply that reading was done in the big, but a comment will definitely give away how active your engagement with the post was!
I've had a number of comments that really obviously only read the headline....
This is SO true @bengy! It is one of the reasons why I was not hugely against the whole "resource credits" thing. I do get how this cripples a lot of newbies... and that is its downfall - but it does eliminate a LOTTTTT of the CRAP comments! And with people like that of our community, who readily offer their SP to help others get on their feet - its not really an issue!
Nice post!
@bengy, took me a second, and then...
Yupp happens often...and TBH,it sometimes happens also within our community...but again, if it's not done with just begging for upvote, I think it's fine...sometimes you just want to give a short feedback or own point of view without reading everything...there are also days with zero time for I get it...but yeah, htere's a limit for this...if you do it daily, you're just begging for upvote for need for that..if it happens from time to time, I actually can relate to it.
Thank you for this post, @matkodurko! It's interesting to see the numbers behind all the appeals for votes.
As someone who's a very long-term member of @abh12345's "Engagement and Curation Leagues" I will tell you that engagement matters. The League isn't part of this vote, and that's not the point. The point is that the people in the engagement tables (representing just 0.2% of Steemit's ACTIVE accounts) routinely create 4-5% of all Steemit content, and give about 1.15% of all upvotes MANUALLY every week!
How is this relevant here? Because when you join this community, getting your stuff seen, interacted with, and upvoted is what makes the difference between merely joining the Steem ecosystem, and staying in it.
Hence the tremendous value the high engagement level the @steemitbloggers group brings to the entire community.
Re-steeming this for visibility! I am also a bit of a numbers geek...
Oh what an amazing addition and perspective explaining comment! Thanks! Didn't know that those people actually make up for such a huge cut of intercation here...Im also a proud member of that league :) Actually won it once :)
I am on commenting vacation, however, I stopped in to comment.
Commenting is fun and can become addictive. Some have accused me of having to get the last word in. ( @nickyhavey) Opphhs name dropping in comments.
We read the comment too.

There she is again... ;)
I try lol
Yes, we do...
Hahahah whaat? this is amazing :DDD who's done tihs @rebeccabe, @traciyork
Nice!!!! As they say.... the proof is in the pudding!!! ;) hats off for highlighting this VERY valid point @matkodurko xxx
Hats are never a good idea.
hahahaha!!! I concur!
Never heard that saying but whatever ... Whatever mentions/talks about pudding, I like :D
Yes... pudding is good :) lol!!!
I'm planning a while month of pudding posts! I expect you to be there in every comment section!
Lol! That is terrible...
Shoot. Now i want me some tapioca pudding 😋😋😋😋
Nice work @matkodurko
Quite impressive engagement really. Upvoted and resteemed.
thx! :) Let's finish stroong!
yes! let's!
Math for the win! 🔢 I know I can attest to having much higher engagement on my posts after joining #powerhousecreatives! It has made me be much better about engaging with others, as well.
Posted using Partiko Android
100%...mathematically speaking (again) :D, you should get 2 per day if everyone would follow the rules made by our bossy boots @jaynie :P
As they say..numbers don't lie 💖
You rock Bro💃💃💃 Much love!!
Posted using Partiko Android
haha thx!!
Most welcome 😉
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Thank you for this very enlightening information @matkodurko. Bless you. 🙏
Posted using Partiko Android
thanks for choosing us! :)
I am @nedshair and I approve this message. Keep up the good work folks.
not sure who you are but thanks :D
For sure that's a strength of the @steemitbloggers A.K.A. #powerhousecreatives is that they not only produce good content but also good engagement and would put that STEEM Power Delegation to good use!
They are way on top.
Keep on postinI already voted. Kudos to #steemitbloggers.
Posted using Partiko iOS
A very analytical and factual post @matkodurko. And polite and respectful as well. I truly appreciate the kind of good work that steemchurch is trying to accomplish in the real world. But there is one point I'd like to make, that is highlighted by your engagement figures. I donate and volunteer time to Habitat for Humanity. It's a worthy cause and I'm proud to be a part of the good work they do. But, if I am competing for a delegation of STEEM POWER, to help promote the STEEM blockchain, and the communities that make it work, I wouldn't expect my volunteerism to an outside organization to be the crux of my deserving an award to promote STEEM. I would expect the criteria of using the SP delegation would be for the betterment of the blockchain. And by showing that @powerhousecreatives is truly involved by engaging in interaction by curating good content - promoting - growing the blockchain, that would seem to be appropriate criteria to base one's vote on.
That's a great point! Im also not argumenting that me spending weekends behind the computer,coding app for refugees for free should give me a delegation. Yupp, Im with you on this. They're doing amazing stuff which should be highly praised and respected. But it's apples and pears IMO.
Ohh well said! In the end, it would've made more sense for #powerhousecreatives to win this! We will definitely make full use of the 20k SP delegation to support valuable posts
Ohhh thank for these stats. As you know, I'm not a math guy so I never look at these but this was good to know. Thanks @matkodurko :) so proud of #powerhousecreatives for keeping engagement on the Steem blockchain alive!
and we've done it! Hooray!! :D
Headshot 🔫🔫
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OH GOD NO!!! Never a good idea. Don't mess with the hairdo.
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Such great arguments pal.
hah I was actually also surprised how reasonable it is and noone actually pointed it out till now :D
Preach it nephew!
I try and engage as much as possible and set the standards for brilliant content. I often fail at both regards but am always trying to do better.
Every group worthy of the vote will have to be that in my mind. @steemitbloggers it is!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
u r one of the best people here unclee! there's No failing on your end :)
Interesting find! Thanks for sharing :) SB has my vote :)
thanksss :))
Anytime :)
Awesome @steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work. But... don't you only comment on other steemitbloggers mainly? Genuinely interested.
Posted using Partiko Android
ahhh, I've seen you around @riverflows :) I guess the 10k and 20k sp delegation does connect people together.
Well, part of our support system is to support another #powerhousecreatives member on steem and on other social platforms (reason for that is to promote steem as well on all socialites) but this system is just to encourage constant engagement with high quality posts. I also believe that our members have daily support Steemians outside of our community as well, because this is from the stem of 'encouraging engagement'.
I personally believe 'we should build ourselves before we can build others'. Do drop by our applications server soon!
Keep up the good work. Saw you around way before the delegations though - I tend to comment and read lots of different posts from different communities. I just can't commit to SIB as I'm pretty terrible at following rules! Sorry! But do drop by and say hi sometime.
I've checked and I've already followed you also! Hahaha, well, just know that you're always welcome to our doors anytime when you're ready. :) There's also always a means to connect outside of the community too.
NIce that you ask :) It definitely is partially a case, we're encouraged to support each other and comment on each other posts (not only upvote)....but to be accepted to our group, there's a selection process and filter under supervision of @jaynie and're content need to be up to par + your interaction as actually have to join another discord group first where you have an "application interview" to decide whether you're allowed to the "real" discord or not haha :D
Sooo yeah, it definitely is case that many comments are our own buut not only. Personally speaking, my comment section is usually 50/50...great question tho!
Glad your comment section is 50/50 - it'd be a shame to restrict yourself to commenting on one group only, although it's clear to see the love there. So many amazing things happening on steem! Thanks for your reply.
Evidence is everything! And sentiment takes it all to a higher level. Quality and quantity. A marriage made in heaven. That's what we are all about!
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:)) And I loove it
Wowzers what a conference here LOL you got some real hyper engagement going. Congrats to @steembloggers keeping making the blockchain a space with high quality content and engagment and to @steemchurch you know God will provide, an even greater opportunity awaits you. Keep on doing God's work.
Hahah yeah right? Soo manyy comments :D We've placed 5th on the whole steemit for the most commented posts :D kinda proud of it hahah :D Btw feel free to join us :) Other Dtubers like @kaerpediem or @freecrypto are already members as well :)
Hm I guess most people are engaging because the community is about engaging. If you know what I mean ;). Also you can fake comments and reviews all kind of stuff. I've seen it many times. I am not saying that this is the case, but at some point it will. 😁
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Hah I see what you mean but I generally think #phc is should see our discord...there's never ending talk and it's notsomething which shows on Steem stats :)
I don't use discord a lot...what's your discord? I might have a look :)
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I truly hope more people follows #powerhousecreatives path, more stake holders and more bloggers.
It is true that SC might be helping people on the outside world, however they are doing it using the reward pool not to reward great content as the white paper says it should be used but just giving handouts for comments in their posts.
Which in the end that is not much different than rewarding drugdealer players or monster collectors.
In blogging there is proof of brain and I've seen this concept get diluted over the 2 years i have been around to what is it today.
When I see people working in the original spirit of the platform I remember my early days and a little light of hope shines inside me.
I've lost faith, I powered down and now i rarely engage (too busy coding for the blockchain) and just buy votes to position my content and make the time spent writing worth it.
The only thing I would not agree with is the use of the Tag as a metric, because they are meant to catalog content and therefore using them to measure engagement is twisting the original intention, but hey... that is how twitter works brand positioning and it is fully accepted to use marketing techniques to do good.
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