
Voted for Etherium.

Voted for Etherium.

Voted for Other.


Voted for Dash.

Voted for Etherium.

Voted for Dogecoin.

Voted for Etherium.

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Voted for Other.


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You got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to hhaskana! This bot is managed by Kiwibot and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive maximum rewards, you must be a member of KiwiBot. To receive free upvotes for yourself (even if you are not a member) you can join the KiwiBot Discord linked here and use the command !upvote (post name) in #curationkiwi.

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @atombot.

Voted for Other.

Voted for Dash.

Voted for Litecoin.

Congratulations @hhaskana!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade for newcomers in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 8 with 15 comments

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Voted for Other.


Voted for Other.

Where is STEEM? =D

Voted for Other.

STEEM of course

Voted for Etherium.

Voted for Other.


Voted for Etherium.