Have you got your own family?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Have you got your own family?

Hi everyone!

I know maybe the question sounds lil bit interesting.
All i wanna know is that some info about our steemians.
Are you still a single or already a responsible dad or mother, husband or wife.
Just i am curious about the user base 😊

i have already a family and this sometimes you can see on my posts. Sometimes i dont have enought time to spend here on steem.

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I do have my own family, except they're grown up and have their own families now. The oldest son turns thirty the end of this year, and just celebrated his fifth wedding anniversary, There first child was born four months ago.

The youngest turns 28 a few months from now, and will married four years. His daughter turns two in a couple of months, and they have a boy due next month.

So, even though I have family, I spend a good deal of my day on STEEM, posting, commenting and curating. My wife is currently the one working, so that's how that's possible for the time being.

I am impressed by those of you who have young families with the fact that you were able to even come upon this place and then find the time to do anything on it. I wish you all the best in those endeavors. :) I believe it will pay off in the end, but even if I'm wrong, I think it's worth trying to build a better future.

Yes now i start to face that problem also that sometimes i dont have time for steem. But i have to manage somehow my time. Work than family and also steem.
I hope i will find a solution 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Little by little is how I think it's done. You can set the goals to spend x amount of time, but you're not always going to be able to do that. Not getting discouraged with the time you do have and then doing what you can with what you have is always the trick, but also the fun part. Post a little, comment a little more, upvote what you can. Maybe help out someone here and there. That's pretty much all anyone us can do. :)

No my own ...not yet stiill searching for my queen ....hope I have time left to find her;)

Posted using Partiko Android

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Yes I am a single dad to:

Cat - British Shorthair
Dog - Pug
2x Snake - Western Hognose & California King

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I am still single and far away from marriage!

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I am single, and nowadays I am not planning to get married.
I don't even like the idea of having/raising kids/childrens.


Posted using Partiko Android

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