Voted for
- OTHER [specify] because you earn crypto for each search. If you're interested let me know & I'll send an invite. You'll get a few bonus tokens.
Voted for because you earn crypto for each search. If you're interested let me know & I'll send an invite. You'll get a few bonus tokens.
Hell yeah. This looks awesome. Almost like the Brave of search engines? Send me that referral link!
Presearch referral
I really lucked out on their PRE tokens. I bought 1000 for $6.50 in December and forgot about them. I checked a few days ago and they're worth $49. Sucks I didn't buy more.
I use Brave browser 100% of the time too. Crazy what you can make off using that. I have it on 3 devices, my daily phone, & an old phone & tablet I use to mine. I mine JSE with one & WEBD with the other, they're on 24/7.
That's from only 2 months!
Hope you enjoy presearch, & thank you.