
Soyrosa, you rock. I love the way you laid this out and thought it through.

I am at the point/position where I think EVERYTHING should be on the table. I have concerns about handling everything through a single account and about Stake Weighted Voting on said account. I'd just hate to see the hovering flag monsters voting with flags.

Does that mean I wouldn't support this initiative? Not even a little bit. I believe that it could be an absolutely great entity and it may well be the best option we have. I think it should be done!

Thanks Soyrosa. I just love that people are taking matters into their hands where matters have really always belonged.

Thanks @bigtom13 :-) Yes, flags are a concern, but only for visibility of the post, and people would know how to reveal/read all the information still. I'd personally love to see many opposing ideas on the account :-)