OMG!!!!!!!!! I SO wish I was there with YOU doing that!!!!!!!!!!! this is SO great and you showed your beautiful face :D
HUGE HUGS Beautiful lady and stunning Candy Princess!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!! I SO wish I was there with YOU doing that!!!!!!!!!!! this is SO great and you showed your beautiful face :D
HUGE HUGS Beautiful lady and stunning Candy Princess!!!
Aww, I wish you were too! The makeup tasted so good. (The smurfy stuff would have looked gorgeous with your eyes!) Plus you could have helped with the dishes... ;^)
She surprised the hell out of me when she asked to be in the vid since she avoids the camera more than I do, LOL! I wish the sound had come through better when were recording because there was one conversation involving wearing our makeup to a petting zoo (it involved VERY friendly and hungry goats...) 8^D
Thanks again sweet Snook! Hugs & <3!