Today is all about transplanting and leggy starts. Yesterday was all seeds. We also picked our farm logo! It was really hard, it turned out no matter how many people I asked, the opinions were split 50/50. In the end, it was not the one I picked. However, I am happy. I am keeping the other one anyways, I have plans for it later.😉
Back to work. For my herb gig I planted some dill and cilantro, sketchy because it is only 3-4 weeks until planting time. My thinking on this is that I have so much to plant, I will put these guys off for a couple of weeks and get them in last, maybe the second week of June. That should be enough time to grow roots.
For my home garden, I seeded cucumbers, squash, (to make up for my leggy squash) watermelon and some borage.
About the leggy squash...I left this tray inside and it was to warm. Squash like to be chilly for germination or else they bolt. This also happened with my beets and nasturtium haha. I am a bit of a #hotmess, definitely unorganized! No biggie, I will just start more seeds today.
Spaghetti squash that bolted, germinated at 70°. Leggy stems!!!
These pumpkins germinated in the greenhouse at only 10°. See the difference? You don't want leggy stems, they are delicate and break and you cannot bury them as they will rot. I had the time (barely) so I am re-seeding them
The beets I caught almost right away, a few had sprouted already. It is outside now so the beets coming up out here aren't leggy at all.
Indoor sprouted beets at 70°
Outdoor sprouted beets at about 10°- 20°
And finally, my poor nasturtium that looked so hard for light! These ones I may plant anyways right up to the first leaves, I did it last year and some worked. The other tray is coming up out here and true leaves are starting at about a centimetre.
Oooops! Leggy nasturtium
Greenhouse germinated nasturtium
Couple of pics while I am out here. It actually turned into 3 hours until it got too hot and I remembered that I should be transplanting herbs.....
Some marigolds and tobacco
Rosemary, Summer Savory and Holy Basil
Dandelions!!! None outside yet, but lots in here❤
More seeds germinating!!
Chives for the herb gig
My chives and leeks for here
I'm heading in, but check out the garlic garden!! Garlic is coming up strong now, but there is something cooler even!
Hi garlic!
Garlic for days
This garden, once the garlic is harvested will now be our permanent perennial garden. Everything planted will come back yearly and I will be able to take lots of plants with me when we move eventually. Last year I planted new rhubarb plants here but we had to pull them up for the garlic. Change of plans.
But look!!! Exactly where I planted it last year.....
Baby rhubarb!!!
There are 7 plants I can see coming up so far. The tiller must have spread them around! I will leave them and work around them. So exciting. Aaaaaand I REALLY need to get back to transplanting those herbs for my job! Starting with the Sage seedlings!
Got everything set up to just plant for hours!
And finally, thank you to all those who weighed in on my logo. I appreciated every one. is our logo!!
Next is to make business cards and a sign for my produce stand. Scary and exciting!
I hope you all have the best day!
Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤
I am always looking for new tips and inspiration. I believe it is so important to learn how to grow food as food security and our health is so important. Plus, gardening is rebellious!! Save money and put the healthy back in your food ❤ I will check the tag often to upvote and comment, so let's grow good food for our families and earn Steem together!HEY! Do you have gardens to feed your family or community or do you grow plants? Please feel free to use the #doyougrow tag for any of your gardening and plant loving posts! I would love to see what you grow and where you grow it 🌱
Oh you're not the only #hotmess! I didn't take good care of my seedlings at all and they all are leggy and sad. I'll have to start over. I didn't realize it was from being too warm though! We planted them and then had a spell of cold weather that meant our wood stove was going...ahaaaaa.
I love all your plant photos. They all look so lush and green and healthy! (other than the leggy ones, of course). Love the little garlic sprouts popping up in the straw!
Seedlings are sooooo fussy lol!!
Aaahhh that totally could have done it! Cold spells...grrrr haha!
Garlic sprouts are my fave too! C'mon garlic scapes!!!
I had never started stuff outside, because outside would mean in the ground and stuff doesn't germinate well here, soil dries too fast. And starting things outside with my skunk buddy is a problem. So it's always done inside. But I wait to start sprawly things (squash, etc.) inside until May 15th because they grew so fast! Now I know why! Very cool you posted about this!
And as always, just love your baby photos!
Same here, crappy germination when I direct sow. I just learned about greenhouse sowing this year! Tricky to keep damp but working better than the lights.
Ewww drag skunks!!
You have the BEST greenhouse display of plants! Look at all those little beauties!
I just started moving my plants from inside to the greenhouses this week. Now I sowed more inside. I am anxious to see all the seedlings take off!
Exciting that you are moving plants out! Makes room for more inside;) How are they all adjusting??Thank you @goldendawne <3