lols, even his memos asking to stop flagging are very poorly written :D
Funny how kingscrown is flagging curangel considering it has supported 495 authors and 436 unique authors in the last week alone. Whereas Kingscrown has mostly supported himself and his own alts for years.
That list is indeed filled with the worst and some of those fighting them. one of the problems with doing what is needed is the retaliation that comes with it as the steem already in the account, can't be taken out.
Me, him, one and the same.
It's a farce. There are people I respect here who are proud of a 0 downvote record, but I have to say that your inflation rewards are only what they are due to those returning it to the pool from.... those types.
don't forget @sock!
Sure thing @bigdaddy!
Lol talking to himself like this Loki guy we encountered a while back.
Interesting. Wonder if he's the same Loki from the Disqus platform who was a moderator over there on Breaking News back when I moderated there. I don't know if they are still are since moving to the blogger platform.
I wouldn't know.
When asked about his alts:

I didn't get another reply.