The State of Happiness

in #dopamine3 years ago

The state of Happiness is determined biochemically within the human body mainly through the release of these four hormones. Increases in their level in the brain may help protect against the onset of various mental and physical disorders.

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphin.

Dopamine is the reward chemical, released into blood during pleasurable situations, reaching ones goals and milestones, finishing pending tasks and chores.

Oxytocin is the Love Hormone, released during Sex, childbirth, lactation and upon social bonding, physical touch and intimacy.

Serotonin is the mood stabiliser aka confidence molecule, released when we get respect from others and the contentment we get upon helping others. Increases upon exposure to Sun/Bright Light while its absence causes depression. Needs tryptophan rich diet, an amino acid that’s converted to serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is made by the body in the gastrointestinal tract, and not in the pituitary gland or pancreas like other hormones, hence, need healthy gut bacteria strengthened with probiotics, yogurt, curd.

Endorphin is the body's natural opioid, the pain-killer is released after exercise, triggered upon workout, while laughing and with certain foods like chocolate and chilli pepper.


For Dopamine: Do your Tasks, Finish your Chores, Accomplish your goals

For Oxytocin: Hold hands, Hug loved ones, Kiss, Caress, Cuddle, Make Love

For Serotonin: Sunbath, Serve and Share with others, take Probiotics

For Endorphins: Exercise, be physically active and have some chocolate.

Now, Don't forget to get your daily 'DOSE' of Happiness !!!