Fuente: Álbum familiar- Fotomontaje Pixiz

A beautiful call proposed by our friend, the slogan to make is a representation rabbit, time and flowers.This is my contribution to Doodledayeo Doodle! Round XVI. A call made by our friend @opheliafu. If you got lost and you do not know what it is, I leave you the link so you can access it. https://steemit.com/doodleon/@opheliafu/doodle-doodledayeo-round-15-challenge.

First of all I want to clarify that I am very bad in the illustrations, to contribute with my contribution I had to ask for help from my lady who has some idea, our intention is to accompany our dear friend @opheliafu in your call.
Today's work is titled (The time traveler) The rabbit Chaplin is the son of a scientist who created the machine to travel through time, the scientist dedicated many years to the creation and implementation of what would be the machine that would mark a before and after in the life of the human race.
All his life was at the service and creation of the wonderful machine, unfortunately shortly after completing and before testing his first trip, the scientist died of his old age, in honor and honoring the memory of his father, the rabbit Chaplin is willing to start the machine and travel to the future.
The trip is scheduled for 1/02/2018, with destination Land without bad year 2030, the day arrived, all flight attendants are in position, once all the security parameters have been set, the countdown began.
Something in the programming went wrong Mr. Rabbit Chaplin traveled in time arriving at the year 1914 in London, this intersection in time will modify the history, this event will be remembered as the era of the Chaplin rabbit and silent movies.

Here is the verification of the work step by step.

Finally we have reached the culmination of this work, I hope you enjoyed it and we will meet again when our friend @opheliafu tells us that the Doodledayeo Doodle is valid! Round 17, until then.
It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.
If you have any doubts or questions about how to work on the platform you can access the link that I leave below to dissipate your doubts.
In the platform there are many users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will just name some of them that I recommend you to visit:
I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.
You can also find many contests that you can participate in, I'll give you some of the labels so you can access them and so learn better
Colorchallenge, beachwednesday, bwphotocontest, memechallenge, retovenezuela, steemitphotochallenge, treetuesday, MonochromeMonday, SunThursday, LoveFriday, BeautifulSunday,
These are some of the challenges that you can participate, you will slowly get to know others
Do not forget to vote for the witnesses, join the link and collaborate with your vote, Support the Spanish speaking community (cervantes), We are many people of Spanish speech that we have to thank your support, please vote for Cervantes, Enter the link To know more about who are representing our community. Again thank you very much.
@sirwinchester, @knozaki2015, @kingscrown, @doitvoluntarily, @englishtchrivy, @ericvancewalton, @good-karma, @htooms, @jrcornel, @kevinwong, @opheliafu, @pfunk, @stellabelle, @papa-pepper, @sweetsssj, @thecryptofiend.
For the Spanish-speaking community I can recommend three competitions that are in force, the competition @cervantes, stories chained and the one of spanishchallenge. I leave the links so that they can access them.
I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.
José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
If it was to your liking, please help spread my channel, reesteemit. This action can be the big difference and make my work known more

realy wonderful post @jlufer
thank you very much dear friend @cryptomaker
You are so good. Good luck in the contest♥
hank you very much dear friend @denissemata
Wow Beautiful artwork! Que bonito mi amigo!
thank you very much dear friend @josearteaga for the great support you give to my work
My pleasure @jlufer :)
I like the picture you post, and very suitable once your title that you have displayed, hopefully you will be successful always ..
thank you very much dear friend @arijal for your kind words
Your welcome
Buen dibujo amigo, muy original, me encantaba esa comiquita durante mi niñez. Feliz noche. Suerte y éxitos.
Te deseo un feliz descansoAprecio de corazón el gran apoyo que brindas a mi trabajo querido amigo @thetiger
hello very good friend as always your faithful follower
thank you very much dear friend @nellabc for this nice visit
always pending your post are very informative greetings
the story makes me think of Albert Einstein's words, he says "anyone who can precede light, then this time can spin", this makes the scientists now think how to create the speed of light, while the speed of light reaches 300,000 KM per second, it is impossible
I wish you a great daythank you very much for this contribution dear friend @adrikal
nice post. helpful post. beautiful art @jlufer
thank you very much dear friend @sumonpra
Me gusta mucho la manera como plasmaste ese dibujo y sobre todo lo que representa . Gracias por inspirarme a seguir construyendo. Muchos éxitos amigo
Te deseo un maravilloso díaEres muy gentil querida amiga @zulayka, aprecio de corazón tus amables palabras
Que hermoso conejito, muy romántico, llegó a tiempo a su cita jajaja, saludos me encantó!
te deseo una maravillosa tardeQue bueno que resulto de tu agrado querida amiga @edurley, muchas gracias por tus amables palabras
thank you very much dear friend @khurshid
thank you very much dear friend @reyajahmedrazu
thats nice
very beautiful art and very good post dear friend @jlufer
thank you very much dear friend @ zul88
Muy buen trabajo, mi querido amigo @jlufer. Un gusto volver a apreciar tus post. Y hermosa manera de representar tu dibujo. Los mejores saludos para ti. xxx
te deseo una maravillosa tardemuchas gracias querida amiga @entrelibros por esta agradable visita y tus hermosas palabras
excelente obra amigo @jlufer agrada la vista. Saludos
Muchas gracias querido amigo @luisveco88 por esta grata visita
Wonderful little story!!! And the illustration is so cute!!! I really enjoyed it❤️
thank you very much dear friend @ cecirod1218 for the support you give to my work
Great ideas here, I like the use of collage with the drawing -thank you for joining in with this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge @jlufer.
I wish you a great daythank you very much dear friend @opheliafu for this nice visit, very happy that you have been to your liking
Amazing and good job
thank you very much dear friend @neyla
It's very intersting. And you did a great job @jlufer
thank you very much dear friend @ rezanur-rhaman
thank you very much dear friend @barca for the support you give my work