Ah yes … little mermaids. All cute, sitting pretty on their rocks. All innocent just brushing their hair all day long. Somehow we all forgot that in the folklore they were also connected with drownings, shipwrecks, storms, murders, etc.
As we somehow rather think of pollution as a bad culprit. Something that doesn’t really touch us. Something big … like companies or factories. But at the end if we break it down we come down to consumption. Yes, we all good people and recycle. Yes, I have a bag made of fabric, yes, I use homemade cleaning stuff and don’t use detergent and yes I try … but at the end I didn’t really need a new pair of shoes. They were pretty and on discount … so I bought them. Just today actually. I live and my produce is garbage.
So here we have, two cute mermaids, tangled in a fight for a piece of plastic. Like all fishes, we all like our new shiny, sparkly stuff.
Done in Corel for a contest by @opheliafu. Time: approx. 4h. Used a reference.
Remember, all you have to do is make a doodle inspired by the 3 words tangled, plastic and mermaid.
Wow awesome idea! Love yours so far ;)
awww ty. :)
mine mine mine..mine mine, mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine..mine mine, mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine..mine mine, mine mine mine mine mine
I love this drawing for the contest prompt. Good work!
When this came up in my feed I thought it was mermaids playing Twister, and I thought, where would they put the mat?
I love your sense of humor. You even gave them gills! More attractive than having blowholes in the back of their heads, like dolphins.
They'd better be careful playing in all that plastic waste or they might end up tangled up in one of those plastic ring things from soft drink cans.
...if u honestly imagined a mermaid......like if i do it I imagine them all scaly (skin under water wont do)....i imagine em broad shouldered....just look at the swimmers...now imagine beeing under water 24/7...now that would be a wide muscled chest right there! All that hair would be useless or i doubt it would be in a such a great condition lol.
But why do we discriminate against the mermaids that are fish on top and girls on the bottom?
They have feelings too!
ive encountered few of these ^ its not a myth.
An amazing drawing- I'm following you for more fantastic work. Great ideas here, thank you for joining in with this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge
well ty for an amazing contest! :)
That's so cool! I love the drawing and the message it says a lot! All pretty and cute mermaids are boring - I like them dark and deadly.
ty! :)
I love it. "Gimme that Thingahmahbob!" She screams! I love mermaids and yes we are all consumerists, we were trained to be so by the powers that be. Though , we won't ever pollute as much as the companies pumping out the stuff...
I forgot about this contest,I was going to do this one, but I keep stacking up contests and have been trying to do about 2 a week for bigger pieces.
Great job!
...yeah but the issues are those companies pump out for us. Demand and supply... I mean...i may be just a cog in the system...im still in it. I order a lot via aliexpress...takes ages but its cheap...last year i watched this cartoon...sadly cant remember the name but it was lovely (we watched it at school) and there was this part of the toon where there were these big ass ships full of containers...and I couldnt stop thinking...hey...one of those big ass ships is carrying my whatever supply I ordered.
And i love the contests...at first i was bit scared of them...now? Idk...like they push me further. Just love it.
You know... I actually hate the little mermaid... not the original Anderson one, but Disney one. Ariel...couldn’t stand her as a kid and now still 😅
me too lol.........and aladin...idk why that one bugged me too.
Oh yes aladin as well... but at least it had Genie 🧞♂️ He literally made the show better.
from where did yo gat that picture .. i love the picture explans everything
...i made the picture :)
you are afantastic artist ..wo
Such a beautiful post you have shar with us.thank you.keep it up.hope all people like it.go ahead
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