Oh well, nothing for me to do here anymore!
Downvoting was the fun part! Will just have to not use steemit anymore!
That was the only thing keeping me here! I’m gone for good, will not answer anybody again!
Ghosting all u for good! Just Try Me!
bye?👋Powering Down, will hold my steem for a spike one day if STEEM makes it! Converting STEEM to Bitcoin & SMOKE on spikes? Moved to https://smoke.io
Buddy, your hatred is consuming you. Just forgive people for whatever they have done to you and become a good Steemian. Why waste your vote down voting when you can upvote so many good posts?
Posted using Partiko Android
Why don't you give this same advice to other people who do the same.. but MUCH WORSE?
Oh I know why..
It is because your hypocrisy is consuming you @oivas
Now do us all a favor and GFY.
Whom do I give the advice to?
Posted using Partiko Android
You didn't follow my question. I am asking who are the others you want me to talk to?
Posted using Partiko Android
Did your eyes miss the screen shot with the comment on it? Here I will post it again for you.. since you seem to have selective vision.
@berniesanders only? Nobody else?
Posted using Partiko Android
you dont work anymore ;)
It sure dud work taking your rewards, and you are responding, so ees good enough for me! ISK way ur kind says! ur a sucko sucko bitch!
Just cause u can’t see it, doesn’t mean I’m not real!
vous êtes une vraie poubelle
yea i do for taking ur steem!
ur flag is like a little fly
It'll grow, it was just enough though to piss u off! Fine wit me LOL! Don't post crap like that and I would not have to flag u forever then! #ghostflagger! You mist be like a psycho child killer hua?
there isnt even anything flagable, on ur blog
Yup! and that's the way I like it! Now u see where I am coming from. Look who is the main flagger - it is marky! That is why I go after his friends! Simple math! 0-0=+1!
well but I'm not a marky friend.
I'm more of an enemy.
Therefore ure helping marky
Flag urself!
Are you sure your downvotes "don't work" or is it just that you can not "see them"?
I will check for you. One sec..
Nope they still do work. They just are hidden from your view on Steemit.com.
Go look at steemworld.org/@coininstant and you can see all of your voting functions. It is hidden/censored from public view is all. This is actually cruel to do to people as if you should downvote them they deserve to know about it. And now if you downvote them they keep you hidden from the people from knowing (unless they dig into the blockchain, which most normal people are not aware of).
This does not actually only effect you negatively but it actually effects the people who are getting the downvotes. They just turned you into a sniper.
Stinc is ran by morons.
However aside from that seeing as Steemit is dead.. and sinking faster than the Titanic.. why not get your money out while you can still get .20 USD? I have been telling people this for a few months now, but very few listen. Steem is done. Over. Finished. Zip. Nada.
Get your money out and leave these morons to wallow in their own filth. In the meantime since they will hold your money hostage as your powerdowns occur have some fun with your "sniper" skills and downvote all you want. Consider it entertainment. It is the least they owe you since they are harboring YOUR money.
I did downvote but they don't grey out posts any more, and after I refresh it does not take any funds out, so that takes all the fun out of it! They were working up until an hour or so ago, right after I made one of my last posts about how my downvotes still worked, but were invisible. I went and did my rounds of down voting, and they stopped me dead in my tracks on that @lookplz account! I zeroed him out, greyed out all his friends and took their money, however after I refreshed the page the color came back on his blog, and their rewards flashed back to where they were before!! So that was the end of my accounts here. I did power down, however the death spiral of the price really makes it hard to manage! You can barely get anything for steem anymore these days. Oh well, it was nice talking to you, you were one of my few friends here out of 8000 people friended, that must say a lot about you! Thanks again for making that post about me, however I cannot use this site any more. You are last person I would answer, made one exception to my rule. See Ya later! Thanks!
da end...
i’m still downvoting ya, tons of platforms for me, cancelled that power down!

cancelling all power downs in the am
then delegate it all back to me and flag
Why put in the effort to be so negative? What is upsetting you so much man? Wanna talk about it? If you need someone to listen to you for a second so you can relax, I’d be more than happy to have a civil discussion with you. Please just don’t attack me again. I’m curious as to what is triggering you so badly.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Shut up, I’m not negative, don’t talk to me! You must be an idiot, I may not even finish reading all the way through your rambling paragraph! Are you dunce or wat? You take beggard votes from the same people that flag my posts!
I will check if anyone cares.
Yeah you were right about the resteems, the cops said all my resteems and comments made it way harder ti cone back to my posts! lol prison bait!
Hi firefly! Thanks for the wave goodbye!! Psych!
-- "I care!"./s
Nope... Crickets!
Wish you all the best man. I am gone the moment my last power down happens. I am already finished here as there is literally nothing here whatsoever.. just waiting for those final powerdowns.
I am sure you will be a success no matter where your path leads,
Get the fuck out of here then, because ours work. Fucking loser.
I found plenty of ways to downvote you bitch looser! Just cancelled that power down!
You’re the piece of shit looser! haha was just getting ya hopes up! retard letting the power charge, i’ll be right here!
''Looser'' says the loser who can't spell ''loser''. Your flags are worth 0,04$ at 100%. Flag me all you want, clown.
shut up you the retard reject that must love me so much to spend soooo much time obsessing over me leaving, i don’t think so! why would i - just getting your hopes up dummby
You started it by being an irrational prick and downvoting my contribution reviews out of nowhere. People like you actually need to leave this place, everything would be so much better. Now keep your promise and get the hell out of here, thanks.
Lol, at zero rep I don't even need to flag you.
👎 nope