Join hands to bring kids back to school with the promise of a wholesome meal

in #donate6 years ago

Jerry Smith aptly quoted, “It’s about getting kids ready for school, it’s about getting them the right start.” Reflecting upon this thought at a deeper level, the question that arises is how many of us are helping children, apart from our own, to receive the benefit of education. We often talk about various issues but caught up in the humdrum of life, we often fail to act upon it. Supporting education of children from socio-economically challenged backgrounds by bringing them back to school each year is one such issue.
Stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty-hunger-illiteracy, a large section of our society is deprived of several basic rights; and the most affected are the children. To alter this situation permanently and sustainably, lot many schemes and programmes have been initiated by the Government of India. And, to bring about a change from the grass root level, numerous NGOs have partnered with the government; one among them is Akshaya Patra. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an implementing partner of the government for the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. This NGO has been supporting education of children across India by providing them with nutritious meals on each school day. One of the pioneer NGOs with 18 years of service history, Akshaya Patra has been continuously striving to bring all its beneficiaries back to school each day and for every academic year.
Aside from providing the much-needed school meals, Akshaya Patra also supports holistic development of its beneficiaries with its child-centric initiatives focussing on talent development, scholarship for higher studies, and enhancing school experience by transforming beneficiary schools with technology, upgrading hygiene and sanitation, and other amenities like library, career counselling, and the like. So, when you choose to support Akshaya Patra, you not only take care of a child’s school meal but also support their overall development. With regular schooling and focussed talent development, these children are bound to grow up to be resourceful citizens of the country.
Akshaya Patra provides its supporters multiple ways to get involved with their cause. For instance, you can either choose to sponsor a child or you can choose to sponsor a school. Supporters can also donate meal delivery vehicles or kitchen equipment. If you are good at fundraising then you can also conduct an online fundraising campaign in support of Akshaya Patra. The gist of the matter is, the more helping hands come forward, the more number of children will benefit with healthy meals and regular schooling.
Unless we all get together to bring children back to school, it will be difficult to embrace the title of being the youngest country in terms of workforce. Because only a healthy and educated society can take the country in the path of progress. And, it is the responsibility of every resourceful person to ensure each child receives wholesome meals and the opportunity to attend school. So, act now.
Contribute generously to Akshaya Patra’s ‘Back to School’ campaign either by:
• Choosing to sponsor a child Click here.
• Creating a fundraising campaign to garner maximum support for Akshaya Patra. Click here.

In conclusion, let us together ensure every child in India is healthy and educated. Let us together take the nation in the path of progress. Support Akshaya Patra.

About the author:
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a mid-day meal NGO in India serving more than 1.76 million children across 12 states of India. By supporting this NGO’s ‘Back to School’ campaign, you can support their health, uninterrupted schooling, and bring their dreams to fruition.