Hi, still with me who is still digging deeper about the secrets of the world behind the illuminati game or the queen elizabeth II that has been exposed by our hero "Donald Marshall". This time I discovered a new fact from "Donald Marshall" that exposed clone people, yes they are the top celebrities we know very well.
What is Cloning?
Cloning is a process of extracting genetic information from a living being to create an identical copy of it. Geneticists have succeeded in cloning cells, tissues, genes, and even living animals. Will the future of human cloning be possible to do?
Of course, in the present day many humans have been cloned. Moreover, since disclosed cloned human secret by "Donald Marshall" through his facebook account a few years ago and is now a hot talk in the world.

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Top artists cloned by the phrase "Donald Marshall" !!
At the top there are Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.
In 1998, just before the release of "Baby One More Time," when Britney and Justin were still in pairs, both would have a very serious car accident in which the young singer was beheaded. Justin is also badly injured and will be in a coma even today, and therefore, those who roam are cloning.
In the case of Britney, some of her clones have been created, and there are between five and seven units ready to enter the scene in the event of multiple events. In fact, it will explain all the emotional ups and downs experienced by the singer over the years. By the way, whoever wrote some of his songs was "Donald Marshall", including the single "Break the Ice" in 2009, in which time clone will successfully enter the clue about the cloning station.
In second place is Miley Cyrus
In 2010, Disney will decide to get rid of the young rebels - and leave his body in one of California's deserts. However, Miley Cyrus is not only cloned: those responsible for the project will create a reptile version of the girl, which means that in addition to being very evil, the new Miley is able to transform her form into a human being. And, yes, "Donald Marshall" also composed his songs, but in this case, he was forced to do so.
In third place is Eminem
Several years ago rumors circulated that after nearly dying of an overdose, rapper Eminem decided to join a rehab clinic to get rid of drugs. Actually, what happened, according to Donald, was when the singer gained international fame in the late 1990s, he was sought by the Illuminati.
The group will invite Eminem to join the project, but the rapper thinks he should reject the offer and therefore, he will be killed. So, to cover the case, they found a history of rehabilitation clinics. It turns out that not all clones are perfect, and it is possible to identify small differences in different units that are put into circulation.
In the final sequence there is Oprah Winfrey and Madonna
If you have found the above case very crazy, wait to check out hostess Oprah Winfrey and Madonna! According to Donald, Oprah is not an African American. It will come from the time of Ancient Egypt, more precisely 5,000 years ago, and will be one of the most sinister and depraved torturers from the cloning center.
Madonna will also be a constant presence at the cloning station and will be a nasty torturer. In fact, according to Donald, it's him and his clones who wrote almost all his songs from the beginning of his career. Madonna will be angry by Donald's teeth. The proof is the photo below, clicked during the essay for Cosmopolitan magazine.
According to Donald, although the picture explains that "M" represents "mother" or "M for Mother", actually the letter that appears on the singer's nail is a direct message to Donald, whose family name is "Marshall".
That's some of the top artists cloned by "Donald Marshall". Whether this will make us think differently in the rate.
Data source www.megacurioso.com
Follow also @fulltimegeek as a witness of all the discussion "Donald Marshall"
Follow me to follow the next story @rifki-fiqi. and resteem this post to help spread a message from "Donald Marshall"
Thank you and see you

I feel the fear of reading it, how can a Donald Marshall pass this?
Is he still alive? I hope he is living happily now.Hi @rifki-fiqi. is this all true?
I never thought Elizabeth Elizabeth was behind this. How this information can appear to the media. Was Donald Marshall the only one who dared to reveal this secret.