MK Ultra Mind Control Glitches Caught On Camera

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago

MK Ultra is a very real and scary phenomenon in our society that has ensnared the elites, celebrities, politicians, athletes and anyone else that carries influence or power that the cabal/elites wish to exploit. Here are some examples of these glitches in the mind control matrix.

Al Roker
Al Roker from the today show literally stops moving and freezes his facial features and posture when the co-host says "Leave room for the holy ghost". Around 17 seconds of frozen posture. This looks to be his trigger word said on purpose most likely, for some unknown reason

Britney Spears
Britney is speaking in an interview and maybe as a result of a trigger word or phrase starts switching her personality and almost sounding like a another person. Very strange here. Split personalities would be from trauma and abuse brought on by MK Ultra which Britney and her many breakdowns over the years has shown.

Bill Clinton
Here while he sits and make up is applied, Bill sits motionless and emotionless, almost like his mind has been turned off in sleep mode. Not sure about any of you but I have never looked this "turned off" in my life.

General Petraeus
General Petraeus is being asked questions by fellow cabal/elite crony John McCain when something doesn't go as planned and the General seems to pass out suddenly. Now of course this could be a health issue, but the confused/bewildered look McCain give him as this unfolds is not one of concern, its almost one of "what are you doing, keep it under control!"

Cardi B
In the middle of being interviewed she suddenly freezes up and the interviewer than starts saying "you good your good" and eventually she resumes again. Very strange!


I feel sorry for them. @swt3df1

Indeed, many are now trapped, they wanted fame and power and now are simply tools used by the elites for anything thats needed of them.

Great question, I believe that after years and years of psychological torment, training and torture, there minds are "cracking" so to speak and glitches/errors begin to come through mor and more. Sometimes like in then case of Al Roker, I think his trigger word was used on purpose, perhaps to teach him and others a lesson for a recent transgressions when they do not to what they are told.