This is the first part of a series of post I will be doing, in which I will share with the community my own thoughts and analysis about the original article that started it all when it comes to the incredible claims from Donald Marshall. Since the article is considerably long, this can only be done in parts.
It will be done like this: a paragraph or a fragment of one will be quoted by order, and after the quote there will be the thoughts + analysis of that paragraph/fragment.
Have in mind, that if you don't know who Donald Marshall is, then it would be wise to prepare yourself some of the most alarming things you could think of.
Without further ado, let's begin:

THIS IS NO HOAX THIS IS NO JOKE My name is Donald Marshall, I have been cloned by a large secretive cult known as the "Free Masons" and "The Vrill Society" and "Scientologists" together called the Illuminati. They make replicated bodies of people to victimize in terrible ways, they clone children for men with underdeveloped penises to have sex with. Some very famous and politically powerful people all getting together for a disgusting time. Most of the G20 gather there to discuss worldly matters and watch gruesome things done to innocent people for sport. I have seen this firsthand and will tell all as it must be stopped. Source
Donald Marshall starts really strong with this. In the very beginning of his confession he is already informing the reader that what he is about to read is something so extreme that the majority of the people wouldn't be able to believe it. Right off the bat we can see he is not here to waste anyone's time, and starts to expose the secret (but still somehow famous) organizations that are the ones responsible for committing all sort of crimes without facing the correspondent consequences, which are also the same ones who cloned him, and this is something we common people didn't even know it could be possible. Now, if you don't believe cloning a human being is possible, I invite you to go and check the previous post I made about this subject.

He drops a bombshell when mentioning the G20 because that group can be considered as the most important manifestation of power there is in our planet. If you don't know what is the G20, it is "an international forum that brings together the world's 20 leading industrialised and emerging economies. The group accounts for 85 per cent of world GDP and two-thirds of its population." Source. So the fact that Donald Marshall saw these people abusing others just for sake of it, it says something really bad about not only our political leaders, but also about our own society and even our own race. What kind of people are we, when the individuals supposed to represent the highest values, are actually the ones doing the worst crime we can imagine?. This world of us is completely backwards and if this doesn't worries you, perhaps it is time to reflect about the magnitude of this problem.
The political people started bringing movie stars and musicians there to hang around with them, they can control who remembers the cloning facility and who will remain oblivious even though not remembering still damages you. I know who is involved, the ring leaders and everything they do. Source
Marshall continues informing the reader that not only politicians are the ones involved in these bizarre encounters, but other famous people have started to get involved as well. Besides, there is also the creepy fact that these organizations can also control what the people attending those reunions can remember. I can only imagine the amount of shock some famous people should have felt when discovering the existence of something that we thought was just for the movies... a cloning center. My thoughts are that the ones who reacted negatively to this revelation had their memories erased,and others that ended up showing enthusiasm were included to future reunions. Later in future articles we would cover specific examples this.

It is basically a torture and child molesting factory, I was one of those children but when I was young to keep the perverts off of me I started singing songs... original songs, very good ones, they told me to keep making these songs and I wouldn't get hurt, and so I did, then they started bringing me there everyday for songs as the celebrities wanted more, they called me the goose that layed the golden egg, the phenomenon, but I ran out of ideas, then the torture began. They smashed my face to start, throwing me around scaring me a 5 year old never letting me remember in real life until I turned 30. The torture worsened until I was being stabbed and burned and repeatedly sodomized. At age 30 they allowed me to remember these clone memories and now everytime I enter R.E.M sleep I am there, I don't have dreams only clone memories, they made the movie "The Island" and "Inception" about this subject. They think they're very sly and untouchable. Source

He keeps going with more bombshells, informing the reader that these organizations are basically full of people who love to abuse others, without caring about anything, even doing extreme things as taking advantage of the innocence of little kids and doing all sort of cruel things with them. He experienced this first hand since he was one of the kids go suffered this horrible treatment. But then, something seems to change, apparently these individuals had kind of a soft spot for beautiful voices like his, and with his singing skills he was able to stop everyone from continuing with the abuse. But as its usually the case with creative people, the burnout syndrome eventually starts to affect the person, and that is exactly what happened to him.
He couldn't keep up with his performances and therefore, his only defense against the abuse was gone. What happen after that is pretty obvious, he started to receive horrible treatments once again, treatments that could easily leave mental scars for life to the victim. And now, years later, with more than 30 years of age (he was 30 at the time of sharing this confession back in 2011) he is suffering and reliving all of these memories, a mental torment no person should have to suffer in life no matter what, much less a person who was so young when all of this started.
Finally he says these organizations and its members are so arrogant with a sense of superiority so strong, that they dare to mock the entire world by showing examples of their underground activities in mainstream media through the always famous Hollywood movies. They use the entertainment industry to simply have a laugh at the expense of the entire world.
We will hopefully continue the discussion of Donald Marshall's confession in the next segment.
Stay tuned and thanks for reading.
All quotes are from here

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Source links when you cite his words will help.
You are right. Added.
This article was mentioned in the following video by Edge of Wonder about whistleblower Donald Marshall:
wow that's so cool @fulltimegeek thanks for letting me know!
De nada hermano! I was so gleeful to see your article pop-up in the video that I had to let you know :)
I wonder if you read the first article about this subject? You can find it here
I knew it I need to read it! Lol
Much confesion from this man......they look so real to be true.
I have actually read about cloning humans, but the use outline by DM by these group of people is really a bad one.
It is extremely bad indeed, they are being exposed as the abusers and criminals that they are.
I read this twice and I am having trouble deciding if this is real or not. It seems so convincing
Knowing that our political leaders tend to act without taking consideration the well being of the people, I wouldn't be surprised if these revelations are true.
oh interesting, i thought the contest was over. if there are still people seeking answers, then i will write a blog about it all. i thought the main 3 were chosen ... i'm glad you posted this because i was thinking of doing it but i didn't want to take the glory away from the winners. a few don't believe in it to begin with, whereas i've been on this and the other topics for many years. cool!
I am still leaning to the skeptical side so far. I have spent numerous hours over the last several days reviewing all of his interviews, as well as researching the material on Vril that came out starting in 1870 with the book "The Coming Race" which revolves around a race of angelic looking beings who dwell inside caverns deep in the earth. This was also later mentioned in a book (that I have owned for years) "Morning of the Magicians" which focused on the supposed Nazi ties. I also have the Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky and nowhere does she mention lizard people that I can recall (neither of the books mentioned were claims by Donald, but they came well before him and their insinuations are vastly different despite some similarities).
In one of the interviews, Donald mentions that one of the purposes for the pedophilia was because some of the men were lacking anatomically. Yet it seems that shouldn't be an impediment if they are being transported to these cloning centers for these events, their clones could be made not to have this deficiency,
He also says at some point in one of his interviews that they had infested so many of the people of Atlantis that it resulted in their destruction. Yet their technology survived and this was what they gave to Hitler. This raises the question as to whether these beings would have some kind of hive mind, as the ones who had taken over the bodies in that long ago time would surely have died by now. It also raises the question why they wouldn't just intimidate the leaders of the world. Yet he mentions in several interviews that the Queen keeps one as a pet.
His state of mind seems to deteriorate in the later interviews, which in itself proves nothing since extreme events could cause this. In the interview I watched earlier this evening, he said that when things happen they dislike, they use Cern to set time back 3 days to change the events. This claim doesn't set right with me. Not so much because I rule out the possibility as much as he claims many things have happened they disapprove of and they did not set time back to change it.
I could list more things, but don't wish to take over the post. Maybe you can look at some of the seeming inconsistencies I have pointed out as you come across them in your timeline.
If you're doubting Donald's testimony, please look into how it corroborates with whistle-blower Phil Schneider's revelations:
Thanks for the link. I have devoured pretty much all of the interviews done with Donald, as well as looking at information that was written before he made his initial declarations.
A quick question please. Being that you have been the driving force for the recent posts on the subject, and have taken care even now to share this video, I am assuming this has been the focus of your scrutiny for awhile. The energy of your words and actions revealing you at a minimum lean towards this being true, to perhaps believing wholeheartedly that it is. So my question for you, are you going to write on the subject?
If so, I would read whatever you write with an open mind. I did with the members of your contest (and even the ones trying to gain your attention writing nonsense that is not even adding to the subject). I found one of the writers you had picked to be convincing enough that I spent the last several days watching hours of video and researching historical references.
They could indeed, but what would happen with the "original" human, the one who is not a clone?
The hive mind concept is an interesting one, but I don't see why they need to be dead by now. As far as I know, we aren't sure yet of how their bodies work and how they live through time.
It could be that those issues were perhaps no as important as justifying the use of such an important tool.
Don't worry, these posts are meant to bring discussion and awareness about this subject.
I will certainly do it. Thanks for your awesome comment!
My understanding from the various interviews is they are all transported their into clone bodies while they sleep. Their real bodies remain wherever they were when they snatched the consciousness from them.
I could be wrong, but he said that once they take over the host body that it is impossible for them to leave it. So it seems more likely than not that when that body dies, so would they.
Possibly, but in one of the interviews he said that they play with it to mess with us which is why the Mandela effect is being noticed by so many. I assumed since they play with it as a joke they would have no qualms about using it for more serious breaches that displeased them.
You're awesome. I appreciate this. Since this came up with the whole contest I have spent so many hours looking at interviews and writings. I appreciate you are willing to discuss flaws I see without feeling threatened. I noticed on some of the videos there is a lot of arguing and name calling back and forth, as well as one of the posts I commented on when this first became a thing here on Steemit the poster got really defensive. I know maybe sometimes maybe my fault as I know what I am thinking and perhaps leave out some of the context in my questioning.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story...
i cannot belive the claims of a man who says he wrote all the hits of dozens of the most famous musicians.