Facts about bottlenose dolphins

in #dolphinslast month
  1. They are great jumpers: Bottlenose dolphins love to leap out of the water and do flips! They can jump as high as 15 feet in the air.


  1. Super smart: Dolphins are one of the smartest animals on the planet. They can solve puzzles and even use tools, like sponges, to protect their noses when hunting for food.


  1. They talk to each other: Bottlenose dolphins communicate using clicks, whistles, and squeaks. Each dolphin has its own unique whistle, like a name!


  1. Friendly and playful: Dolphins are very social and love to play. They swim together in groups called pods, and sometimes they even play games with other animals, like fish and birds.


  1. Great swimmers: Bottlenose dolphins can swim super fast – up to 20 miles per hour! They use their powerful tails to push them through the water.