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RE: Chronicles of a Dolphin Curator - 18th July 2016 (The beginning of a new chapter...)

in #dolphincurator8 years ago

I've just started to notice how much importance people on this site place on "verified" identities, which is very interesting to me, since it's so counter the standard way of doing business on most websites. I do have a domain for Chainbreaker Game Studios, but I'm still developing the site so it hasn't launched yet, and I have not previously posted on sites like Twitter and Facebook. The only place I have identities with existing history that match my identity here are on Fuwanovel and Steam.

Because I haven't been active in social media previously, except on niche sites like Fuwa, I chose Steemit for the reveal just because it's new and interesting, and because I would be able to get in at the "ground floor" so to speak. But given the reliance on existing history to prove out identity, I'm in a difficult position, given that my company has only been around a year and hasn't published a game yet. This is our first project, and the content in my post is the first time anything from the game has existed anywhere on the web. I originally thought that would be a good thing.

I suppose it makes more sense to publish first to the established user base on a site like Fuwanovel where I already understand the community, and which is looking for the type of content I posted. In retrospect, I should have done that first regardless.

Thanks for your feedback!