I started using the Sportstalk tag 18 days ago, without even thinking much about it, I saw a post by @pouchon and I figured I might as well use the tag. Well I was trying a lot of tribes communities and this post was the only one that actually got me a good vote so I figured I would continue with using the tag and also I started looking more into what it was all about.
So I started writing some sports articles which was easy because the finals of three cups were upon us and I had something to say so I was doing OK and then Actifit started giving me some good votes and I thought this is where I would try to get as far as I can go. Yes, I have gotten a few very good votes in fact I am expecting one that should give me several thousand SPORTS in a few hours.
But in the meantime I have gotten to where I never got with Steemit in three years, I am now a Sportstalk Dolphin, I have staked nearly 13,000 SPORTS and with what I am receiving later I think I will go beyond 20,000. So now the goal is to get to Orca, that goal is certainly very difficult and in appearance nearly unattainable, but as everyone knows the higher you go the easier it is to go even higher.
So I have my sights set on Sportstalk, not that I won't use other tribes like PALnet, Neoxian or Lassecash but this is where I will put most of my effort, perhaps sometime next year I will be an Orca, or better yet maybe later this year.
so many new things coming every other day it seems :)
i think several, including this one, will do well!
Am also a dolphin, before this year ends I will definetely be an Orca.