Offentliggjort den 18. maj 2017Subscribe to the TDV Newsletter To Get Our Latest Cryptocurrency pick:
WannaCry Ransomware Virus Is a Globalist False Flag Attack On Bitcoin
Offentliggjort den 18. maj 2017Subscribe to the TDV Newsletter To Get Our Latest Cryptocurrency pick:
I had one too many beers last night and I'm a little hung over this morning.
If I were @dollarvigilante I'd be on here claiming my hangover was a globalist conspiracy to undermine bitcoin.
But I guess that's better than Alex Jones, because then I'd be claiming it was lizard people.
But hey, to each their own right?
I can't stand the Fake News and False Flags... They seem to be coming from the "Libidots"... The Liberal Idiots... @pocketechange
Great video, Thanks Jeff