in #dogs7 years ago

Este perro es uno de los más pequeños del mundo. Por eso, si vamos a tenerle de mascota en una casa con niños, hay que enseñarles cómo tratarle para que no le causen daños. Es adecuado para ellos porque es un animal con mucha ternura, pero hay que tratarle adecuadamente, él se adaptará a cualquier entorno, son perros cariñosos. También es muy afable y apegado a sus familiares. Destaca por ser un perro muy vivo, inteligente y está siempre alerta. Este comportamiento de vigilancia le hace coger el hábito de ladrar mucho, es algo que debes tener en cuenta. A pesar de ello, es un animal de fácil trato, muy cariñoso y juguetón.


I'm from Yorkshire! I can't understand Spanish unfortunately so I used Google translate, and here is what it came up with..

"This dog is one of the smallest in the world. That is why, if we are going to have you as a pet in a house with children, we must teach them how to treat them so that they do not cause damage. It is suitable for them because it is an animal with a lot of tenderness, but you have to treat him properly, he will adapt to any environment, they are affectionate dogs. He is also very affable and attached to his family. It stands out for being a very lively, intelligent dog and is always alert. This behavior of vigilance makes you take up the habit of barking a lot, it is something that you have to take into account. In spite of it, it is an animal of easy treatment, very affectionate and playful."

I had to laugh... Still they are great little dogs :)

Hello, thank you very much for your comment, I am glad that you liked the post and above all that you had the detail to translate it.