My ass burns, or the puppies in a tied up pack!

in #dogs7 years ago

Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk with the whole family. I must say that we live in a new area in townhouses by the type of townhouse, but it is because the area is small and new, the road to it is accompanied by a small patch of wood and an unknown person may get the impression that the road leads nowhere. So, we went for a walk around 5 pm, the heat was already asleep and you could not be afraid to be roasted alive.
We walked along the standard path along the forest belt, my wife first noticed a new path - someone through and through cut a wide passage and mowed the grass. With a glint in her eyes and adventurism in her legs, she began to offer to go a new road. I, as a lazy and unwilling person to such things, began to frighten her with mites and other evil spirits, the male mind won over the female one, and we went along the usual route of the walk.

I must say that little children almost never stop, but then the daughter, who is very fond of chatting without stopping, took a breath, and at that moment we heard a soft squeak, almost inaudible. Last year, we found newborn kittens (of which only one cat survived, now she lives with her mother-in-law). An incomprehensible squeak was heard from the acacia bushes, and such capital bushes are taller than me, and even very overgrown (I want to note that the acacia has large spines about five centimeters). At first it seemed to me that there was a bird, the squeak was generally unfamiliar and quiet. Remembering last year's kittens, I started to wade through there. Apparently having heard or felt it, the animal began to squeak more actively, and then I began to think that the cat is giving birth, with the thoughts of "what the fuck are you, fool, there gave birth" I continued to make my way into the thick of acacia bushes, I tell you - this is nifiga Not simple. The height of the acacia and its density was such that in half a meter I could not make out anything, especially what is closer to the ground. At some point, I began to distinguish a black incomprehensible crap: "Well, just a cat," I thought, and the sounds became loud - so cats scream when they look for a cat - very much like the crying of a child.

Before my eyes, all the headlines of newspapers, about the children thrown to the dustbin, swept past, but these thoughts quickly passed, because Other cries also began to be heard. I doubt that someone could throw out the triplets. I made my way very carefully - the thorns of an acacia the size of a finger. The scream became very strong, a whole chorus, and the crunch of the package was distinctly heard in this hamlet. This sound together with the words of his wife "They are in the package !!!" Gave me a extra fast acceleration.
A second later I was untying the knot on a black bag like this:

It smelled of such stench and heat that I thought that someone had already disintegrated there. Inside, there was something incomprehensible, creeping and yelling the wild cry of a young child. It's the child - I xs how they do it, but it was creepy. After the stench has disappeared, we were able to see in more detail who is inside. There were red puppies, they did not suffocate only because the spines in many places tore the packet when it fell into the bushes. But how they were not welded there remains a mystery, but here apparently the density of bushes and the shadow from them helped.
Unfortunately, we did not do pictures - the situation required action, not selfi. I carried them home right in this package, as they all stank terribly and were in blood. Pukan vomited with anger and indignation, and still burns with the inhumanity of the deed. At home we put them in the bathroom and began to launder. The small ones had umbilical cords that were not even peregryzeny and stretched to ten centimeters. After bathing, they became white!

I apologize for the quality of the photo, but as it turned out, the second time did not photo. While their wife was washing, I rushed to the pharmacy, bought a pair of syringes and fingertips to simulate in this way the nipples of a nursing bitches. But then he thought about it as puppies, not kittens, and bought two usual bottles for feeding children and baby food. As practice showed, I was right and the bottle was perfect:

Now the little ones sleep in a box on a rug, yell every half hour and try to stick to any surface. I have to make them something like a mini-pen, because They are shitting right there in the box, each other, their wife periodically wipes from all this, but they still smell. We feed two hands every two hours and some of them are fed between these intervals, as the food for the children (okay, baby food) is not intended for feeding puppies, and has the wrong fat content, and "bough milk" in pet stores costs from 900 rubles for Bank (we do not pull this) ...
I do not know how many of them will survive, but we try to do it, so that everyone will survive. I do not know what to do with them afterwards. But there are three months to resolve this issue. Six dogs are a lot.
For me it remains unclear what their former master did - what was that? An attempt to ease my conscience like: "I did not kill them, they themselves have died" or what? How could you throw out living creatures in a tied package when the heat is 30 degrees and even in the acacia bush? (It's good that no one has pierced anyone with spines, only slightly scratched).