Not to bad mouth Dogecoin but how is it still alive and pumping with numbers?
I stand under correction but the creator of dogecoin even stated that the coin is over valued... After all he made it as a joke... And seems to me the joke is still running with over 200 markets to buy and sell or trade dogecoin.
To me it seems this coin is going to stick around because it has the trust of the community.
It's current market cap is at an whopping
$ 730,925,015
Not to mention its highest point at almost $ 2 billion in market cap at some point in time which even surprised the creator.
With $ 13,536,300 traded or exchanged in the last 24 hours
I don't have anything invested into dogecoin but my honest opinion... I don't think the doggy coin is going to see the 1000 point increase like we saw with bitcoin... But it's not going do die out anytime soon as it's a simple and easy to use coin with fast transactions.... And also very cheap for those who don't have a fortune to invest into cryptocurrencys or altcoins
Being a proud owner of over 555k doge since around 2013, I have seen it both go to the moon and fall to the ground... The idea of dogecoin is not as in investment but as a way of working with a community towards goals. Think about that before you "invest" in dogecoin.