Are There Other Earths?

in #documentary7 years ago (edited)

What are the odds of life on planets orbiting nearby stars? Scientists, wielding sensitive new telescopes and "big data" tools, have detected planets around thousands of stars; some Sun-like and some very different from our star. Many newly discovered "exoplanets" lie in "habitable zones," where liquid water may support the chemistry that enables biology. How will astronomers discover if we have company in the cosmos...and where they live?


Yay waiting for the James Webb telescope to launch this year, the first exoplanet was discovered back in 1995 after that through advances in theoretical understanding and technology we've been able to find thousands of exoplanets in our Stars neighborhood and we now can study them more better with better techniques helping to understand what the composition of the planets are and if it can be habitable zone for life.

I don't like when people questions if we are alone we've looked everywhere but we can't find anyone, it's like saying like really taking a glass sample from the ocean and saying well there's no whale lol

Still now we can only inspect a very tiny part of the sky of course bcz how vast space is.

There are around 400 million stars in our milky way and there are more than 200 million planets in some of the star systems.
And there are like 2 trillion galaxies in observable universe!

Aha we just found out that Mars the planet after earth had life and bcz of it's size it couldn't hold it's athmosphere from solar flares, on earth that gives us auroras. And think of the moons like europa etc.

If anyone wants to continue with the discussion we can get lit here real quick! Got the space knowledge ;)

Yeah. This telescope will also be able to check for surface liquid water by measuring the exoplanet's atmospheric composition, depending on the amount of starlight passing through it.


There is definitely a possibility. I believe the best answer is just to wait and see. We haven't discovered anything thus far, but when we do we will know. With more space exploration becoming one of our missions maybe we'll turn something up.

Maybe WE are the aliens.

I don't care at this point, I'd just like to clarify it mentally.

  1. Other Earths - confirmed
  2. Live beyond our Earth - probable
  3. More advanced civilizations in our galaxy - unprobable

Yep I think there is other Earth like planet's. Once we find one for sure I wonder how we are going to get to it or will they be coming to us. lol. Thanks for the video @rossenpavlov!! Watching/listening wile going a little Sunday cleaning.

Very much possible. Nice share @rossenpavlov
In retrospect, it's plausible that our own Earth is already teeming with "alien" life forms, brought along by meteorites since millions of years. :)
Who knows, maybe these microorganisms were the first living creatures on our planet?

Not yet discovered but i dont think that other Earths also exists, but this just my own opinion everyvody have the right of there opinion.

Good job !!Upvote u !

I never get tired of all the Ancient Alien memes. That being said, the theory of alien beings advancing our evolution is just as plausible as most other theories about man's orgins. I do believe there is another earth out there. Some of the ancient art on the caves is just mind boggling and they point to us being visited.