Perpetrators of grisly and violent crimes have always attracted pen pals, and romance often develops.
Whilst in the UK there are on average 200 prison marriages every year, in the USA hundreds of women are drawn to developing relationships with convicted murderers residing on Death Row. But what is the attraction to convicted killers? Is it a perversion of ordinary love in which the whole logic of romance becomes bizarrely twisted, or is it simply the logic of ordinary love in its purest form?
Perpetrators of grisly and violent crimes have always attracted pen pals, and romance often develops. Whilst in the UK there are on average 200 prison marriages every year, in the USA hundreds of women are drawn to developing relationships with convicted murderers residing on Death Row. But what is the attraction to convicted killers? Is it a perversion of ordinary love in which the whole logic of romance becomes bizarrely twisted, or is it simply the logic of ordinary love in its purest form?