Most don't like my questions or answers lol
Prevent Diseases?!
Prevent these!
Abuse and neglect the body receives from poor eating habits and lifestyles!
A weakened body!
Oxidative stress!
Mitochondrial dysfunction!
Tell me if drugs / vaccines prevent these that cause diseases?
Body pollution from wrong diet and neglect of natural living principles is the cause of disease.
"Inoculation means introducing into the body certain products of disease through the skin of a healthy person, so giving "built-in" resistance to the disease."
Do Medical Doctors know the difference between cause and effect?
Cow pus eradicated small pox? We will call the pus the virus.(poison).
Cancer is the result of the cause. For example, radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer, etc. What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause.
To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.
Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.Eventually you will get pimples - pus And we will call the pus a virus (poison) I'm going to collect all that pus and inject into people to try and prevent pimples ?! Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?
Think about it!
Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.
This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.
How can inoculations be given for neglect the body receives?
How can you vaccinate a body against abuse?
How can you be immunized against bad diet and insufficient vitamins and minerals?
It can't be done.
The allopathic medical establishment is looking into test tubes for answers.
Naturopaths feel that microbe death is at the expense of poisoning the body with the drugs or vaccines. Poison on top of poison fails to get at the root cause of all illness, which is "polluted body" or systemic toxemia.
Get rid of the flies or the garbage?
Do you poison the dirty fish tank water or clean the fish tank?
Do mosquitoes make the water stagnant or are mosquitoes attracted to stagnant water?
Don't tell me you think Antibodies determine immunity?
There is more to the immune system than antibodies.
Science and their assumptions,
All that the presence of antibodies in a person means is that the person has come into contact with a particular pathogen, it does not mean that they have immunity.
Antibodies are just ONE part of the immune system.
What about cellular immunity ?
Abnormal thinking
Abnormal pathogen
Abnormal route
Abnormal immune response
Abnormal results
Abnormal look on your face
Ischemic stroke
I wish you could eradicate cancer by eating an avocado a day, if you know what I mean.
Unfortunately, the issue of health is far more complex than that.
You know my stance.
Healthy Lifestyle is an important factor in preventing and treating many disease.
Not all, I'm afraid.
Apple a day keep doctor away, states an old saying.
Apple a day give you vitamine C which human body is unable to synthetize by itself.
Vitamine C, Ascorbic Acid, is one of factors in a cell defence mechanisms against viral infections.
Some viral infections cause cold.
Other cause cancer.
But not all cancer is because of virus.
So apple will not prevent that.
You say radiation, chemicals, diet cause cancer.
Sure, they are contributing factors.
Because there's 100.000 things that cause cancer.
Including the very mechanisms of our body operating.
I will be writing about cancerogenesis sometime in the near future.
If you like I can tag you, or however it work here.
as always,
thank you for a good read.
I must get on with my lab routine.
Higher ups want some results, even negative, you need to show results in science.
Have a great day, friend.
Check out AgO3 in your lab for curing cancer.
Ever find a nanobot in a patient ?
And TSTO Tetra Silver Tetra Oxide
AG4O4 for curing AIDS
Both cost under 100.00
Well another reason it's not used because it is not profitable.
Cured patient = lost customer
I have testimonials to prove this.
Agent orange gone in 24 hours no trace!
Have the proof AIDS was man made. And. And be cured.
Thanks for chatting
Make sure not to eat the GMO apples lol
Silver Ozone!
Cynthia Alison Barrington, LPN BA
Lt Col Jay Magee (ret US Army combat commander Gulf War I)
Sgt Joe "Rooster" Moore (US Navy, Navy Seal, Ret. 3 time Purple Heart, Silver Star and Navy Cross of Service recipient) his medial POA is the Colonel and Jay can tell how he had his Stage 3 cancer resolve in 3 months as well as 6 MRSA staph abscesses. no recurrences.
Sgt James Woodward Purple Heart (US Army Ret Vietnam and Gulf War I Special Forces)
Sgt John Elliott (US Army Ret Vietnam Buck Sergeant Agent Orange, blocked prostate resolved in 16 hours, skin cancers 90% fell off in 24 hours)
Sgt Greg Harris (US Marine Ret Gulf War I) Anthrax skin cancer Stage 2 for 20 years resolved in 6 months, no recurrence
Commander Mike Mellilo Union & Essex County Auto Theft Task Force Lyme Disease 10 years walks like a champ now used to always use cane or walker with a lot of pain
I have another Lyme patient in California but I have to ask if he wants to talk about his illness.
I may have a rheumatoid arthritis patient who would speak, she is a contemplative nun so I would have to ask.
I have an MS Patient Kate Peterson who is responding very well to the supplements
Her daughter has autism that is responding well to the Chelation that I am using
I may have an autistic 17 year old son Jack whose mom is Angelle Comstock He takes a chelating water 3 x a day, and takes the silver ozone nebulized. PST
I also have 2 Morgellons patients who report good effects in decreasing the itching and pain. They are also trying to help their parents.