Don't get mad at me ! Get mad at the failing system.
Doctors can...
Trust drug thugs if they want!
Swear under oath and lie!
Cut you!
Burn you!
Poison you!
Remove organs!
Do Unnecessary surgeries!
Give you Unnecessary antibiotics!
Inject precious babies with 12 diseases the first year of life!
Inject pregnant women!
Do Early cord clamping!
Give you pills that Deplete your glutathione!
Realize the Rockefeller's give these medical schools money!
Inject you with a vaccine that can create a life long disability, dysfunction , disease or death with something considered safe!
Kill you with "FDA Approved" drugs!
Injure you and not realize it .
Diagnose you with something you don't have!
Research more!
Be wrong!
Be questioned!
Be a bully!
Be smart and bluffing!
Be given bonuses!
Just blame your babies death on SIDS.
Blame the parents for SBS.
Vaccinate and injure you with out being held liable.
Report to VAERS more often!
Heal people with food!
Save your life incase of an emergency or trauma situation!
Fix your broken bones and cuts!
Open his or her eyes any day now!
Do more research on nutrition any day now!
Hopefully realize one day how corrupt the system is and that people are dying by the millions and the drug thugs are making billions!
Be reminded that
" If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot".
For every 1 doctor really trying to be good & learn as much as he can to make his patients healthy, there are at least 50 more who will do everything big pharma & the legal system tells them they can do to make big money. Time for this culture to start holding drs accountable, no one should be allowed to make money off false treatments, especially when they harm health. Would love to see opiate prescribing drs in jail. All of them, & that would just be the start.
"Doctor" is just a human, and is prone to human error.
That should be a rule of thumb for anyone.
Disregarding all the points you're making which only add volume to your worries and are not substanciated.
And removing the human error aspect I mentioned previously.
I can give you credit to about three points.
Keep up the good work, Friend.
Just Trying to point out the human errors.
First do no harm !
As Hippocrates rolls over in his grave.
I don't want to tell you how to live your life, and lead your activism.
I find it a little overwhelming when you bullet point 20 vaguely related objections like they make a bigger point together when you can have one actual more specific point to address and give it a little nuance.
But I guess that's why you're truth TRAIN, and not truth PILL, or other shit like that.
You know what I mean? :)
Truth pill right here >
Mycoplasma has been identified as an undermining agent in cases of Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pneumonia , Pulmonary Fibrosis, Aids, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Macrophagic Myofasciitis, Epstein-Barr Virus, Bells Palsy, Lyme disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Encephalomyelitis, Diabetes Type One, Huntington’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Gulf War Syndrome; including many rarified forms of cancer & lesser known debilitating neuro-degenerative conditions.
Ask your Doctor if he knows what mycoplasma is and if it might be in the vaccines they are offering.
Truth is a hard pill to swallow ;)
I'm not telling anyone how to live theirs either . Just informing them because someone isn't doing a good job at it. I won't say any names.
It boils down to >
Your body
Your choice
Your responsibility
It you're referring to Mycoplasma pneumoniae...
I must disagree as to whether it is a causal factor in vast majority of the disease you have listed. It most definitelly increase symptoms if accompany pathogenes and disorders which actually lead to developlent of listed disease.
But that's not the same as the bacteria being the cause.
If you smoke tabacco and then you develop a lung infection, it's not tabacco that caused the infection. But it will increase frequency of your caughing episodes. Is basically what I'm saying.
There are many species
Some harmful some not!
Some are man made.
Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis
In 1998 in Rochester, New York, A former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, has a document that says : "I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn’t brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans."
He has a certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he has 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section: "Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service." In other words: "If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don’t go raising any fuss about it." In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn’t make it known to the public—or to your doctor.
Treat the cause or the symptoms?
Crystalline Brucella
The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed "for the first time" to "isolate the disease agent in crystalline form".
They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma.
Brucella is a disease agent that doesn't kill people; it disables them. But, according to DR Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,4 researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength -- actually, 10 to the 10th power (1010) -- it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defenses.
If the strength was 108, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was 107, they would present as wasting; they wouldn't die and they wouldn't be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.
Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurizing milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.
Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence. The mycoplasma will only crystallize at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is "all in your head".
I'm also waiting to get a little more interaction in here before I write.
There is a lot to talk about.
That is why I do it this way for now.
I can break them all down Individually later when I have reached out to enough people.
I guess that makes sense.
The way this website is set up, unfortunately, it burries alot of content.
Even within specific creators pages.
I too started writing recently.
Most likely will not gain alot of traction the way I want to organize my ideas.
It's not like I'm in it for the money.
I mean.
Ultimately we all are to an extend.
But conveying a message and educating people is the primary objective.
I suppose that goes for both of us.
You definitely have more experience though.
I will try to stay focused on narrow concepts in my posts.
Give it a read sometimes if you feel like it.
It's definitely not NCBI worthy material, and I'm going to avoid giving citations and appeal to authorities as much as possible.
Mainly because I want to help people understand what concepts mean and implicate rather than "prove" them to them.
What do you think about that kind of approach?
The million dollar question!
How to approach people with the truth.??
The truth is an experience and I know a lot of people that have experienced a lot!
We have 2 eyes 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason !
We need to listen to these people and hear there stories and not call them names , not saying you just in general . I have parents in my group that have paid the ultimate price from something that they were told their baby needs to have without informing them properly.
These parents are left with empty hearts.
Where's that quote from? This one felt like poetry. Heartfelt. Picture is killer, too. HAHA. Keep it up, TT. Full Steem Ahead ;)
Now being told I need to be on antidepressants because I'm exposing the truth lol !
I'm crazy ? No injecting known neurotoxins is crazy ! Bad enough we are exposed to all this crap in our environment. why not just inject some lol.
The quote has been said while listening to his pod cast .
Here is something to think about .
The human and animal body has normal barriers that help to protect against infiltration by foreign agents, among them are skin, the respiratory and intestinal mucous linings, and the blood-brain barrier.
The puncture of the skin by a needle breaches that barrier.
The whole basis for vaccinations is counter-physiological. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages (mucous membrane) & the gastro-intestinal tract or the guts (gut flora). Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is situated at these junctures; the natural first line of defence.
Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, either route which literally bypasses one’s natural barriers altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses & heavy metals, increasing, exponentially, the risk of prolonged neurological and neuro-developmental difficulties; which would otherwise be avoided.
Along with that, we have all this fluoride/metals in the water and glyphosate on our food decimating our gut flora. We become so toxic our livers are incapacitated so that we're unable to deal with the overwhelming toxins that our body then stores the toxins. Into your bones, into our organs, fat cells then finally into the brain... So it's really a multi-pronged attack on our health. Our lungs have no barrier against the sprayed aluminum in the air. They can't be breeching our bodies like this by coincidence. It's a war. It's so strange how something so simplistic and straight forward can be so rejected. And the CDC is only doubling down and continually increasing more and more regiments of vaccines.
IMO That is why people have so many allergies . Most are at a threshold of reactivity.
Well the hidden crap in vaccines don't help AKA "Trade secrets"
Injecting crap that's not suppose to be in our body that eventually makes it to the blood stream.
Hybridized food like wheat has changed over the years!
More chromosomes
MORE gluten!
More glyphosate!
More problems.
Nice to be able to interact and not be called names .
Thanks :)
We are all in this together !
Vaccine production like using soy peptone broth YUM
Yea, I absolutely agree in regard to hyperallergies, their immune tolerances have been whittled down to dust. Auto-immune, chronic disease all on the rise... I know what you mean, man.. We have no problem discussing and exchanging facts or research but people always seem to find a way to make this a personal thing. Whether it's our tone, education, ulterior motives, lack of experience, lack of consideration and that's all fine we just want to get to the bottom of it. Cheers.
Good reference
My child has servere autism. He began to regress after the age of one year old. Until that time he met all milestones. He was not lagging anywhere. He was given 22 shots in two years a
(after which I said no more), including two flu shots on the same day. I can overlay his vaccine record with videos from the same time period and watch his regression. It's heartbreaking. Time for people to wake up. But one thing I've learned in the last 9 years or so is that unfortunately, this is one lesson most people have to learn the hard way.
Combined with EMF's, autism is set to be 1 out 2 children by 2025. Scary stuff. Have you heard of Dr. Klinghardt? A very successful holistic MD who's famous for reversing autism. To see his work, check out his site and click here, he works at the Sofia Health Institute in Washington.
Just got EMF protection

The plug does around 1500 sq feet in the house.
The necklace protects you also
- hey
yeah it is more common in our country they treat the simple patient who just ill with some flu or something they make him go for tests that are not necassary in any aspect but they are making money ... they ask to simple flue patient to get the so much medicine which is not even necassary but they got their commison from the medicine shops; this is my personal experiance i am sharing
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I keep hearing commercials that tell us we have real Doctors !
Real advice!
Real medicine!
Real advice ?
Don't eat tuna while you are pregnant!
But then proceed to offer you a flu shot ?!
Just ask SIRI

heaven@truthtrain, Hey, at least all real doctors go to
They have a soul!
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