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RE: Doctors trust drug thugs

in #doctors7 years ago

Along with that, we have all this fluoride/metals in the water and glyphosate on our food decimating our gut flora. We become so toxic our livers are incapacitated so that we're unable to deal with the overwhelming toxins that our body then stores the toxins. Into your bones, into our organs, fat cells then finally into the brain... So it's really a multi-pronged attack on our health. Our lungs have no barrier against the sprayed aluminum in the air. They can't be breeching our bodies like this by coincidence. It's a war. It's so strange how something so simplistic and straight forward can be so rejected. And the CDC is only doubling down and continually increasing more and more regiments of vaccines.


IMO That is why people have so many allergies . Most are at a threshold of reactivity.
Well the hidden crap in vaccines don't help AKA "Trade secrets"

Injecting crap that's not suppose to be in our body that eventually makes it to the blood stream.
Hybridized food like wheat has changed over the years!
More chromosomes
MORE gluten!
More glyphosate!
More problems.

Nice to be able to interact and not be called names .

Thanks :)
We are all in this together !

Vaccine production like using soy peptone broth YUM

Yea, I absolutely agree in regard to hyperallergies, their immune tolerances have been whittled down to dust. Auto-immune, chronic disease all on the rise... I know what you mean, man.. We have no problem discussing and exchanging facts or research but people always seem to find a way to make this a personal thing. Whether it's our tone, education, ulterior motives, lack of experience, lack of consideration and that's all fine we just want to get to the bottom of it. Cheers.


The reason the graph starts at 1990 is that before this time autism wasn't something that was generally diagnosed. As time has progressed diagnostic practices have improved, and public awareness of the disability has meant more people are tested. It also doesn't take into account the increase in population over this time.