
Thanks .. that comment was certainly anticipated. As per above. Also, oh the irony.

And so on it goes.

Memes are anything but simple. Simple, perhaps, for those not the subject.. or indeed OBJECT ... of memes.

Odd too how criticism can be not the cause of reflection, but instant division. Empathy could save us all.

Much love.

Memes are anything but simple. Simple, perhaps, for those not the subject.. or indeed OBJECT ... of memes.

The only people they aren't simple for are those who are unable to take, in anyway, a joke. Those who trends towards moral authoritarianism, of any side of the political spectrum, cannot stand the idea of criticisms of their ideals and will go out of their way to refute anything they perceive as negative towards their beliefs. Therefore, they are unable to tolerate even the most simple of jokes pertaining to their moral dogma.

The TL;DR of this story? Lighten up a bit... Learn to appreciate a good-natured joke or meme. I would tell you to smile more, but, considering the subject of this discussion, you'd probably perceive that as an insult. Moral puritanicalism in unattractive to most everyone else, save other moral puritans.
