
Crypto = Crypt + O



Lol. Well-spotted. 😂

Well said dude! As an artist, I look forward to being my own boss and having immediate connection with my fans and supporters, at the click of a button. I plan on setting myself up as an artist on the blockchain platforms. I see a bright future with hover crafts and tons of other coveted technology, ready to finally surface. First there was the petro dollar, everything to do with oil, and now we have digital currency, electric energy. Zero Point and such. Super Exciting Times Dude! Really! Facts! I am also keeping an eye on silver due to some of its roles in the new technologies ;]

You have nailed it in a nutshell!

I just tune out to the political games and left vs right BS going on because they're all dinosaurs and they're going to get washed away in the flood. Lets look forward and make sure that we focus on the process and implement this technology right and the results will follow.

Blockchain is life changer! Those who do not care now would certainly have themselves to blame later. This I am sure of.

@eurogee of @euronation community & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly and

Nice vision... This tool has a great potential, but we will see... a lot depend from us! Did we grow enough? Do we take responsibility?

Living in fear is a tough life... maybe we all ought to take a breather. You right. @rok-sivante

How’s life?

Wonderful. :-)

very funny buddy.
your meme really cheer me up.
thanks for sharing @rok-sivante

so funny over all.. nice

i appreciats so much to see this...
keep it on

Wow, fantastis. I like your picture. Thank's.

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May we rejoice in this transition, quit feeding the fears, and focus on creating the new that shall replace the old.

A big Amen!!!

Times are really changing and cryptos are evolving!!!!

Crypto is an unstoppable revolution. They will try as much to take it down and fight it left and right but they will never succeed. I also highly doubt the so called crypto regulations will work for long. Long live crypto and all power to the people..

They will try as much to take it down and fight it left and right...

While that’s been common rhetoric and an understandable perspective, I may disagree at this point...

Overall, governments and regulators have been surprisingly accepting of the change and seem to have been embracing the innovation and fostering environments conducive to its healthy growth. Even banks have been embracing the technology - recognizing the “threats” it may pose, but also the tremendous benefits to be had through integrating blockchain to increase their efficiencies.

There may still be speed bumps, yet overall, there’s far more evidence that this transition is occurring successfully with far less opposition that many tend to think...


I think I'm addicted to making memes for your posts.. Sorry hahaha.
The context of the comments just sets me up so well 😂😂😂😂😂

what you post I like, before I apologize to you, I want to be asked in the vote in my post .. 😢 😢by @ afrizal1990

Thank you for clarifying this. With the exception of China, no one country has taken unfavorable stance against Cryptos generally.

Even then, can we be sure that China’s stance is “unfavourable...?”

Yes, they might have banned crypto trading on foreign exchanges - at least temporarily. However, they’re still utilizing blockchain tech and supporting excellent projects like Neo, Walton Chain, etc. Thus, might still be too early to properly conclude where they stand - given alot of what news comes through is also filtered and biased, often laden with FUD...

Ohhh they support those projects?! You are so current with events. Thanks a lotta

yep. the benefits of blockchain tech are pretty apparent. despite the bureaucracies of governments, they moreless all recognize there are serious advantages to embracing and hopping onboard the trend. perhaps China has tended to be more controlling than other countries, but there's still a great deal of support - especially considering the country's competitive work-centric morale...

You are very right. I totally agree. My pleasure to learn under your tutelage...

There is absolutely a lot of sense in what you are saying. Would have loved to start up an argument but it seems like you already beat me 10 to nil.. There is something we can agree on which is >we have seen some crypto resistance no matter how little. All these little cryptocurrency resistances and negative opinions on crypto have somehow affected crypto prices negatively only that crypto has proven strong enough not to completely crash...

Even so, bear in mind that any market has its corrections/retracements...



Whether traders simply taking profits or correlation with certain fundamentals, NO market EVER rises 100% of the time. Such consolidations are healthy. And the waves move on...

We call this the fourth industrial revolution @rok-sivante

Thanks for sharing this, I found it helpful

since most of the good posts die in fresh due to the high amount of bots. maybe some of you are interested in some dank memes and funny videos. I would be quite grateful if you check out my profile.

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