
I Posted My Version About 2 Weeks Ago Here It Is

I think I remember seeing this.

There was a problem with my meme - it would be easier to whack the 11 recipients ahead of you instead of whacking 12 healthy donors.

No because he still wouldn't have the organ available.

I should have listened. It looks like Nano is mooning hard.

Lol Yeah 36% Up MOON NANO MOON!

Lol, after whacking the 11. His job won't be completed if he doesn't whack the 12th person, hope you know how to run n dodge bullet like Neo in matrix. Lol

Alright. Hope your not on the hitman's way?


really a good post. Money has always problems if we have or not.

hi @money-dreamer I want to make friends with you. I have followed you before and have given you a vote. hopefully we can share each other here

follow me @uswatun hasanah

Why not just whack the 11 sick ones ahead of you and one healthy donor. Seems more logical anyhow. lol


Very good post,@ money-dreamer...

Never gonna have this kind of problems if you never become rich !

I'm not sure I follow.

very good post thanks for sharing.

That is so funny. His money will definitely kill him. Lol, I can't stop laughing. Nice one

I think you might have missed it.

Thanks for the post I like your photo, thanks for your post.

It's not my photo. I got it from

very good Post

they don't get Better

The quote with a message.. upvoted you..

I would be very happy if the people near me could be happy with my cuteness.@money-dreamer meme photo it's very funny, i like it, i think meme it should be so. @money-dreamer You are a humorist, I like humor because humor can make us happy, @money-dreamer you are a good example for a humorist I sometimes do funny things, but people near me never feel that I do it funny, how the hell be funny, @money-dreamer if you can help me be a funny like you.

Lol that's a good one, upvoted and resteemed