
I understand that you and people in this post dislike Bitconnect because of the tarnish it leaves on crypto. And I sympathize with that view because I also believe blockchain is world changing, and worth protecting from tarnish.

Having said that, the hatred that comments like yours imply, not to mention the equivocation of "retard" with object of ridicule, is very offensive.

First, your comments are offensive to me as a father of a very special child, who while capable of many wonderful things, is not capable of all normal things, and it really saddens me that people today will use this word "retard" as an adjective that is equal to "object of ridicule". Please do not do that.

Second, your comment is offensive in its flippancy to the loss of investors in Bitconnect, as if all those people are idiots, who did no research and deserve to lose money and be negatively impacted. You can tease that it failed, you can even argue that investing was a bad decision, but to laugh at another persons financial suffering is really dark. Some people, not me, but some people lost everything. Hate Bitconnect, please do not spread hate toward people, even Bitconnect people.

I invested in Bitconnect. If you want I will argue with you about my logic, reasoning, and choices to invest in that platform, not to convince you that Bitconnect was a "good" investment, but to respectfully help you understand that there are people who did investigation, and put thought and reason into researching Bitconnect, and after all that still invested. Investing in BCC didn't work out for me, but please debate me and people like me with respect.

Please remember that when you ridicule Bitconnect'ers, you are ridiculing human beings. Some of whom did their home work and made a calculated risk, which albeit didn't pay off, but nevertheless it was not without reasoning. Debate my reasons, please do not insult me.

And also please remember, although I did my research, there were others who invested after being told to. Who simply trusted one advisor, and perhaps these investors that you mock now, are seriously put out. I have heard that some lost everything. I am not defending their idiocy to invest "everything" in a high risk platform, but I am defending their humanity, and their right to decency and respect. Please do not call them retards. It is hurtful on many levels.

I invested in Bitconnect, I made a calculated decision. Yes it was risky and yes it bit me in the ass, and I admit it was a mistake in hind sight, BUT not for the reasons most Bitconnect haters argue. If you want to get deeper on that, let me know, I'd be happy to have a respectful conversation about the thought I put into it, even though it ended up not working out the way I hoped.

Again Bitconnect didn't work out for me, but I invested after making a calculated decision, using forethought, and relying on investigation and reason. Your comment dismisses this reality and worst still boils the conversation down to "you are dumb", "no, you are dumb".

Debate should always be respectful, even if we disagree. Please do not call anyone a retard. That word is very hurtful.

I am happy to discuss this further if you desire. I will be respectful, I ask that you do too.
