
The best is when the comment they leave (and upvote themselves) is something like "Nice post! Now go and check my blog were I post all sorts of amazing content and upvote everything I post there!".

Argh! (pirate sound)

Yep! They are my favorite.

what reason for they are your favorite ?

How funny. It also sad for authors. But he whose have no voting power, What will he do then?

how you mean? If they have votingpower to upvote their comment they have votingpower?

I am ok with someone commenting and not upvoting but upvoting your comment and not the author is not nice in my book.

That is pretty funny...I'm new to steemit, still figuring stuff out but glad I came along this post early. Learning some proper steemit etiquette! is just my opinion but I think it is pretty fucked up to do

I'll admit, I'm pretty guilty of this :P

I suggest stopping it :-)

Will do. Starting now!

Hahaha love this pic so true😂👌 I'm also posting memes on my page, maybe you want to check it out or even follow me haha would be awesome! ❤️

Hey come back! You forgot to up vote yourself!

Hahaha so sorry, I'm not a good Pirat yet😂

Very funny

Damm! True man they don't care others selfish peoples

The best people are those which comment "Nice post!" and in this case it's really inappropriate because e.g. it's a sad post...

they are great yes :-)

LOL I often get angry , why even comment and not upvote . I often get like 5 comments and still no upvote , why all the hate -_-

I am ok with only a comment if it is not spam( maybe you save voting power maybe you dont agree with the post) but 5 is a lot and probably just spam

thats to funny so true

Or like guys who go for a potluck and bring no food... and then they pack food back home.

Most people thought their voting power might not have effect. I do upvote most author because i appreciate their works and i think that should be a norm.

That side; can i get an explanation on what causes bandwidth issue and how to solve it pls?
I have being having this issue from the pass five days, most especially from the hour of 9am to 7am West African Time

Wow, This is very funny.

Very interesting post. I'm still laughing :) :)
I was annoyed with some authors and had planned to such a post like yours . . Excellent post @flipstar

So funny when you first read the meme and than the title. Thats how imagine them too :'D

Hahahaha the best meme I have ever seen xD
And I one time I saw someone who reply the comments but upvote their own comments T.T no the rest D:

dachte immer das ist ne auto-einstellung bei den Usern mit den eigen-votes :D oh je steemit ist komplizierter als ich dachte.

Steemit cents (oder wie das heist) sparen aber auto laufen lassen

Goood one 🎯😂😂✌️and you absolutely right!

Wish I had something deep to say about this, but I think LOL covers it. Maybe a facepalm somewhere in there as well...

Agree. Happening to me many times. I would prefer if those people wouldn't come across and comment. :)

Let's hope we are at a turning point of this habbit here on Steemit - if not, it could ruin the whole game - and thus play out like the rest of the ponzi scheme of our todays' world... I am hoping for the best here on steemit and I am seeing quite a few align :-)
Cheers to you from the Seven Mountains in Germany

This happens to me always :-D


lol. with me, not manner is when they leave a comment but not even upvote. you are still more generous than me. :))

it is so sad sometimes valuable content doesn't get up votes what it deserves in fact .

Scho ganz richtig, das ist schon sehr dreist, aber noch dreister sind die, die einen Upvote bei ihrem Post bekommen haben, einen Comment von dem Upvoter beantworten, keinen Upvote geben, aber den eigenen Comment dann upvoten. ;) Geht auch so rum.

schlimmer geht immer :-)

Haha stimmt leider :) Aber solange das nicht die Regel wird ...

very nice funny!

I have seen a few like that in my post. They are taking advantage of the system.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment