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Be careful with insulting people. We on Steemit should differentiate ourselves and the platform from others like fb. Fact based arguments are very welcome, but not such statements. There is a well-known issue with Steemit on rewardpool abuse and this post is IMHO a symptom of it.

Kindly check the dmania tag out bro

Dmania is an app on the steem blockchain that reward users for posting memes. Just like dtube, dlive, dsound etc. Check the tag out and see other users who're rewarded as well.

hello @stayoutoftherz

first of all, lemme correct the impression of you saying i insulted you, cause i never did, i just told you the reality

before you call someone a rapist you might as well do one or two small researches, and trust me if you did, you wont have been calling anyone a rapist here.

look at the post very well, its a dmania post and its bound to be only meme (image) no text
secondly check who actually voted the post, if you have done that you would notice its the dmania account.

now who is raping here..?
the dmania bot account simply upvotes quality memes and funny videos
i guess i just cleared some doubts, thank you... :-)
meant no harm brother.. ;-)