
Nah, only those new to the party have that...

Yeah you are right.People are crying.Bitcoin is going down.I think bitcoin will return back soon due to Chinese new year.Best of luck for all traders

Flood of tears😭

That is always funny. Love the special effects crying.

Can't be that bad, lol.

Wow..... ‘Wtf is dmania’ (If I may quote from their faq)????? 😀

And..... how is it related to steemit?

Hahaha very funny post dear keep it up @blazing


haha :)

Oh God, what a strange gif! I would send it to my friends when I wanted something, and I would not have money))

Good one :)

Amazing sista! You really got it... ✌️impressive 👍🙏

great post, creative

tears can be toward my dry pool: D

Ppl should not panic wait for some time

Lol to funny thanks!

Wooow amazing!

I also want to start using dmania... But i don't find our how to log in and start using it... Any support? My mail is any help? Have a great weekend 🙏 🌟