A little while ago I wrote about my streaming past in Twitch (link to the post) and said that due to real life reasons I had to quit doing that. One of the reasons was that at that time streaming didn't pay enough money that I could continue doing that. I had to end it and get to work. I mean, life is busy and full-time streaming next to a full-time job AND being a mother to a wonderful daughter is something that can not be done without burning yourself out.
I was sad about it, because streaming has always interested me. I play games almost every day. Every night after work I snatch some hours of my sleep time to play games. It is something that I just can't shake off and I know I never will. I will be a 80 years old grandmom one day! :D
Sometimes good things happen when you least expect them.
check the postI made it to this week's @Dlive Stars list! -->
It was a good feeling to wake up noticing something like this. I have been in a pretty dark place for a really long time and faced so much disappointment and depression in my life. Things never go the way I hope them to go and I've faced the fact that nothing good ever happens to me. @DLive proved me wrong this time! I don't even know what to say so I hope that you can stand my rambling for now. My mind is going crazy here!
I am so grateful that there is a platform like Steemit, where I can share ALL my hobbies like blogging, gaming and streaming. I am so happyI am so happy for the support I am getting here. Maybe this time it will work the way that I can go full-time one day? HOPES UP! that Steemit and @DLive have given me the motivation to start streaming again.
I am so happy that there are people, all my followers and future followers, who like that I do here on the platform. I am happy that you're here with me. Right now. Anyway I hope you pretty much got that I am really happy right now. Thank you for making me feel this way! We are ALL going to make wonders in Steemit! I believe in each and every one of you!
I am so thankful for everyone who is supporting me on this road, but especially those guys:
He is the one who informed me about the @DLive campaign to see if I was interested. I wouldn't be where I am now if he hadn't done that! He has been doing art and game streams on @DLive as well and he is definitely the best duo partner in PUBG you could find!
Thank you for leding me into @DLive!
One day while in work I hopped by his stream to check the guy out. I typed about 9 lines in his stream chat when I had to close it and continue doing the work. NINE LINES! And within those nine lines we somehow connected really fast and the next thing I know I was playing PUBG with the guy and his friend @treflo (Haiii, treflo!). Ever since that @uhatgaming has been so supportive of all my doings and I can say that I am a really big fan of the guy.
DLive Community Helper role on DLive discord!
Thank you for all of your support and sharing your motivation and good vibes!Oh, and @uhatgaming is also the one to thank for me making the
@redjepi, @jimmylin, @cdhexx and the rest of @DLive Fam!
The 3 names mentioned were the first ones on DLive Discord to support and notice me and the rest of the @DLive Fam has been amazing to me as well. I am still getting to know you guys, but so far you only seem like the people I was supposed to meet with. For the very first time in a very long time I feel like I am exactly where I belong and it is amazing to feel that way. You are the family I couldn't even dream of, but randomly got adopted into.
Thank you for making me feel this way!^
Thank you @Dlive for helping me fulfill my dreams! <3

hi dear
Congratulation 😂 @kassixo
hi dear
Congrats!! :D
hi dear
Thank yöu Jimmy!
cute face.... sis... ,😍

I have like photo
Well done Kassi! :)
Thanks Frank!
we love youuu! keep going and don't let the success get to your head;)
Having you guys behind my back is important!
Congrats Kassi! As a fellow female streamer, it's so inspiring to see you get DLiveStar of the week. Female gamers/streamers are so underrepresented and hopefully, more girls gamers will join the DLive platform soon!
Congrats again!!! :D
I hope the same. I hope I will catch you live on DLive real soon!
your streams are amazing !! i checked them somtime.
Keep it up !!!Congratulation @kassixo you deserve it .
Aww, thanks! Hop in the chat next time too!
congrats, you just got the 50% upvote from @dlive :)
Hehe, thanks jordan!
Well done hony, Congratulations...
What the difference between D-live and D-tube?
Dtube is supposed to be similar to youtube and Dlive is supposed to be similar to twitch. One is for uploading videos and the other is for live-streams.
Congrats @kassixo! Glad you've found your family here and the Twitch replacement :)
Yeah, it feels really good. Thank you!
you're so sweet . congratulations on the continuation of the shootings
Congratulation @kassixo
You are welcome
if you are willing to visit my blog, I am very grateful and very happy
thank you very much
Didn't understand the language. :D
congratulation dear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please upvote me
Hello friend, i am new steemit. Do not forget follow back oke friend
just found ya blog now, certainly gonna follow, love ya design style. congrats on the win!
Thank you humble! Thank you so much. ^^
aww so cute
When I first met you on Dlive playing No One Lives Forever, I knew you'd make it ; ) I didn't know you had a daughter, it must be extra nice to be a little closer to her while working!
If I ever catch you playing some oldies but goodies, I'll pop in to your stream!
I remember you! :D Hehe thanks!
Sadly I can't be that close to her while working. I work at a completely different place than she goes to kindergarten. So we only get to hang for a few hours on the evening at home which is a bummer. I wish we had some more time together, but kindergarten is also kind of important for the preparation for school etc.
I don't think I'm going to play all of the games I listed, haha. Just NOLF was one of my favourites. Now I'm stuck on a level where I have to sneak past the cameras or the mission is incomplete and I just can't find the patience in me to finish that one. I am not a sneaky person. :D But I'll get in to it, someday, again, because I want to play through the NOLF 2 as well.
And hey. New games are fun too! Or you can just hop in to live chat with me. ^^
just some weeks ago, I told you how I felt you were gonna make it, now you are already on top, I remember @ackza giving me your username on discord. keep work @kassixo there is more to come.
I don't think of myself like I am somewhere or better than anyone here yet. We are all the same!
Thanks for the support xpency!
I'm happy to see your name on this list, you deserve to be on that list just with everything you do for the community and when it comes to your streams, they're just excellent. Crystal clear quality, excited gaming, chatty and everything else that made you a dlivestar. Enjoy it!
Thank you jepi! <3
nice post
What a great story. I hope you get to continue your journey streaming. I'm new to the community, for hecks sake I cant even figure out how to post my profile picture. I tried for 20 minutes cant seem to get it to come up. Anyhow do you have any suggestions on how to stream? I would love to hear back from you thanks in advance for your time.
There are tutorials to check about the streaming on DLive. Easiest to understand I guess. : )
Thank you I will look into for my next counterstrike appearance:)
It is challenging to fit in the gaming hobby...but...nonetheless...Im gonna do it!!!You are a mom and a gamer!? Awesome!! You and @uhatgaming are motivating me to stream too!!! I have a two year old and a newborn.
Yeah, I am. And yeah, it is challenging, but if it's one of your biggest hobbies you have to adapt somehow. : )
Awesome post @kassixo and lets continue the journey here @dlive! #Onelove Lets get it!!!!!!!!!!!
AYYY! Lit fam!