The dish I quite like is grilled aubergine that is my favourite it will be even more ummmm on such a lovely place.
I found you today on steemit because I am new on steemit but can't stop myself to follow such a sweet girl and like such a lovely blog.
Excited about contest too such fun way to win prizes looking forward to create dance clip to grab this prize.
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Great choice zeeshannaqvi, aubergine is actually very frequently used in Chinese cooking, so it was very interesting to taste it prepared in a different style to what i'm used to.
Hopefully see your entry for the dance soon :)
I am feeling a bit embarrassed about making a video on dance lol never did such thing before. is there any way can send video just to you but not on dtube :)
@sweetsssj I see different style was it more tasty than usual style? Yes I know it is used a lot in Chinese food. Here in UK whenever I go for takeaway food or go to Chinese restaurant I always choose one dish like that.
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