I wanted to do a short write up on this service just to get the word out on it.
I really like Dlive. In fact, I check it out more often than I do dtube. It's because I don't want to miss It's growth. I know the moment one of the bigger name steemians gets on there, it's going to take off! No one will have to live stream on that tyrannical service known as 
I wanna see all my favorites live streaming youtubers on there. For the moment however there's only a few people on there doing live streams.
It's actually nice in a way because of the fact that I've had the opportunity to find some steemians on their that I wouldn't of known about had the platform already blown up.
My favorite dlive streamer is @canditits95. She hosts a live stream she calls "CryptoHoe"
She talks about all the latest things crypto and then shows off her naked body lol
Now I actually like hearing her thoughts on crypto currencies. I think she's a smart lady and if she never showed an inch of flesh again it wouldn't affect a thing for me.
As pretty as she is, it was what she was talking about that interests me. I highly recommend checking out her show 
This is great!! LOL steemit is 😂 so fun!!
Appreciate the entertaining heads up about dlive friend ❤
Go ahead and broadcast whatever you WANT, and have a great time doing it. I bet cryptohoe enjoys herself very much!!! ....more to reseach on the blockchain!! Hahaha, what next? Steemitdating ?! 🤞 LOL
It just keeps getting better! Every day I find something new and awesome!
Hey Steemit dating is not a bad idea! No good for me because I'm married. But I bet there's a lot of steemians who'd be interested in a matchup service with someone who also is enthusiastic about steemit. LoL
Great comment! thanks.
That crypt0hoe though! She's pretty entertaining in a way. But, i just wish women could lay off the implants. But; that is just me! I am fairly newly single a steemit dating site would be super fun. I have never used a dating site before and have no idea how to build such a thing..... but maybe someone does! I enjoyed your original post and checking out dlive. Thanks for that 👍
I followed you.please follow me
Sorry, I don't just follow because someone follows me. I want to follow people with content I'm interested in. Thanks
You didn't even upvote my post. What benefit is it to me to follow you? How genuine are you?
Last time I tried to sign up it locked me out of my steemit account as if my PW was changed.
I was lucky to get back in...
And really... cripto hoe?
Must be so easy being born a pretty little thing.
That is the world of what ppl have always been into.
Haha yeah I don't like the name either. But she has good info anyway. I'm hoping for more content creators so I have options ya know?