Hello everybody good morning, lets go continue our journey :)
Introduce me ! i am ubay0077. i live in indonesia, aceh. i am a teacher right now. my hobbies are reading book and playing game. my favorite game is Dota 2. i play Dota since 2013, so right now i play 5 years :). my dream is to be a prefossional streamer like TI winner ( The international) Dota 2 that is Admiral Bulldot who win the TI3. so enjoy my game and have fun ok?
My rules in Dota is Offlane. but i can play all of them, mid, carry and support. if you want to play Dota with me its ok, Lets go play it. i have steam id, here we go
My steam ID is : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082781343/
I always play all day 8 hour in a day
- at 5 pm to 7 pm (time in indonesia)
so right now i have a lot time to play the game, i am playing
1. Dota
3. Rules of survival
4. Legend of League
5. Hearthstone
6. Fortnite
7. Game PS1
Top donations
1. @clove71 =1.7 sbd
2. @redjepi =1.4 steem
3. @imjohnnyimills = 1.4 steem
4. @jimmylin = 1.4 steem
5. @khalilmuza = 0.2 steem
💻 My specification Laptop : Asus ROG GL533VD 💻
Processor : Intel Core (TM) i7 7700HQ
CPU @ 28.GHz
Installed Memory (RAM) : 16.0 GB
System type : 64-bit Operating system,
⚙️My gear⚙️
Mouse : M-Tech (the pro mouse coming soon)
Headset : Coming soon
Keyboard : Coming soon
Web Camp : Coming soon
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