High ranking scientist Timmothy Cunningham was found dead after being reported missing for weeks. It was ruled as a suicide today. Bullshit! I say he was murdered.
Vaccine Injury Cases
Jay Myers CDC Real Life Walking Dead
Something Strange is Happening in Georgia
Timothy Cunningham starts 7:22
1976 Swine Flu Hoax
You'll Be Shocked at What the Flu Shot is Really Doing to You!
POLIO the Pro-Vaxxers Holy Grail DEBUNKED!
The truth about Polio Vaccines
Suzanne Humphries MD on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference
Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children
Debunking the Polio Vaccine
Polio Vaccine Fraud, They do NOT work and are super Toxic
Polio : Globalist Genocide Exposed in India
Man sheds Polio virus for 30 years
March of Dimes ( For Polio Reel 2)
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez for the March of Dimes
Sammy David Jr. for the March of Dimes
Dick Van Dike
Roy Campanella
Louie Armstrong
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