Well... Paragon is... ParaGONE... And I'll never be above making that pun so the sooner I move on, the better. It seems appropitate that I start the night off with the MOBA most similar to Paragon, SMITE, but who knows how long I'll be there. I don't really have any goals. I'm just glad to be streaming. I had a pretty good groove going, but life got the better of me and prevented me from being consistent. It's time to get back to the ol grind and keep on a building. As always, Thanks for watching!
My live stream is at DLive
Good man heading to bed just wanted to show some love. Have a good stream man!
One sec! Doing a bit more prep.
Ooops. Just found out my mic was being garbage. It's fixed now!
🤙🤙 you too man have a good night.