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RE: DLive is Leaving Steem, And This is My Last Blog Post on Steemit

in #dlive7 years ago

Regarding your comment on me not being rewarded for my actual content, but my ability to incept myself inside the circle jerks. As much as I don't particularly like the charged words you've chosen to use, I think you seem to be describing another aspect of society.

It's called a feedback loop! Your content will get valued based on a miriad of factors- but not one is more important than the connections you have with other steemians, particularly the powerful ones. I use the term "circle jerk" because it is an incredibly accurate description of what is happening.

Dlive wants content based value. You conceded that steem (as a system) is bad at evaluating value based on content. That is why dlive is leaving.

The amount of mental gymnastics that is being done in these threads is sad. I don't need a sociology degree to see steem has systematic issues when it comes to valuing content.

Dlive wants a better system.


They are never going to understand that you can only go so long putting make up on a pig. They will never deal with the censorship problems and how that actually stunts the growth of steemit. Flag should be used for abuse only, it should never be used for opposing views,. This platform would explode with users if they would be left to debate openly, honestly and fairly without fear of being flagged.

Dlive wants a better system.

we all do brother...

I'm part of a group of people that is trying to change culture. But we all have different ways of solving the puzzle.

I am happy we can agree on something.

I for one am going to use both blockchains for more revenue streams and exposure of my content. I think it is a mistake for steemians to try to ostracize those like myself for doing so.

I will be an investor and content creator on both platforms and I will be most happy if both blockchains succeed. :)