A Health Walk In North America's Oldest Commercial District

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


Health is the very basis of life, @karensuestudios and I concluded that day. Whatever we do health always determine how much enjoyment we'll get from it. Health is life and life is health. Health is the purest form of freedom and from which all other forms of freedom stem.

Health is derived from consciousness, awareness. Everything is. Consciousness is pure potential, and letting things unfold to their full potential is the key to health, which doesn't really mean much. To live fully is to be fully conscious.

Rue du Petit-Champlain [1]

Breathe Like Your Life Depends On It

We shouldn't waste our energies hoping for anyone to get the answers we are looking for. The answers can only ever come from us, from our reasoning. Even when listening to someone or reading from a book, reasoning but more fundamentally awareness entirely defines who we are and who we become.

"My effort in answering you is not to demystify existence but to mystify it more. Hence my contradictions. I cannot be consistent, I am not answering you. I cannot be consistent, because I am not here to make you more knowledgeable. If I am consistent, you will have a body of knowledge – very satisfying to the mind, nourishing, strengthening, gratifying."

"I am deliberately inconsistent, contradictory so that you cannot make anybody of knowledge out of me. So if one day you start gathering something, another day I take it away. I don’t allow you to gather anything. Sooner or later, you are bound to be awakened to the fact that something totally different is transpiring here. It is not that I am giving you some dogma to be believed in, some philosophy to be lived by, no, not at all. I am utterly destructive, I am taking everything away from you."

Youtube Version

Sharing Is Healing!

In 2016, I won the Montreal Half Marathon in my age category, 30-34 years old. I've always been very proud of this achievement. I've always loved to share my health tips with as many people as I can.

We definitely need a minimum of muscles capacity for our body to be able to function but fitness can't do much to prevent damage from a toxic body, same as for pills.

World domination shaped every facet of society, meaning nothing can be taken at face value, after all, deceit is the world most powerful weapon.

"Just look at us. Everything is backward, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom." ― Michael Ellner

Health Is Wealth!

The medical establishment, studies and meta-analysis aren't exempt of corruption and manipulation, on the contrary, and let's not forget to always exercise our critical mind and awareness as they are at the very core of everything we do and experience.

Below are 3 videos I really enjoyed and highly recommend.

Is It the Diet, the Exercise, or Both?

One of the most thought-provoking health study.

120+ Million Americans Exposed To Unsafe Levels Of Mercury From Fillings


What The Health

"What the Health is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy. The film exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick."

"What The Health is a surprising, and at times hilarious, investigative documentary that will be an eye-opener for everyone concerned about our nation’s health and how big business influences it."

Other Posts I've Authored

  1. What Truly Matters! (link)
  2. How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit (link)
  3. Cryptocurrencies: Understanding The Fundamentals (link)
  4. Understanding Bitcoin [if you know better let me know] (link)
  5. Understanding Bitcoin Cash (link)
  6. How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin (link)
  7. Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything! (link)
  8. Doing Away With Governments: How And Why (link)
  9. The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy (link)
  10. Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest (link)
  11. Steem: Where Money Talks And Kindness Rules! (link)
  12. Technological Abundance (link)
  13. In The Name Of Freedom (link)
  14. What I Do And Stand For As A Witness (link)
  15. I Allocate 2,000$+ Daily On Steem! (link)
  16. Hello Steemit! - Coinmarketcap.com Introduced Me! (link)
  17. Understanding War/Peace (link)
  18. Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor! (link)

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Thanks Karensuestudios!

50% of the profit of this post will go to @karensuestudios!

My video is at DLive

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Greetings, teamsteem

Actually, in order to enjoy anything in life, we must have health. Both to do good and bad things, health influences a lot, because our mood tends to change when it is bad and this interferes directly in our work, leisure, rest, sleep, etc ...

I liked the tips you give to health. As a psychologist, we should always seek to have good mental health, as it directly influences our physical health.

There is a saying here that says: Healthy mind in healthy body.

Thank you and good morning!!!

You've put it nicely, health is the most important part of our life. As important as life itself - you cannot enjoy life if you are not enjoying good health - and we should take responsibility for our health care.

Very interesant

hmm are you ok
your comond ok
you see me one co

It's a very special stroll because you're a wonderful and fun duo
Video really special
Keep on loving, playing and fun
You are an example of every successful binary

a very nice post @teamsteem, after I read from the contents of your article, this is very useful for everyone. Health is the most important thing in life, it is useless if we have a lot of treasure, but we do not keep our prosperity. In essence, health is very important in this life. Thank you for sharing a very helpful post, and hopefully you will be more successful to work... :)

welldone guysBest team on the steem community so far @teamsteem adding great valve to the block chain.

This got me, HEALTH IS LIFE AND LIFE IS HEALTH. Without good health no one can enjoy life to the fullest. There is how someone has uncountable wealth but stays on oxygen just to survive another day.

Its better to check out our health as we strive to live everyday.

Pay attention to your health because it is life.

I didn't know about Dlive, thanks for sharing, I'm now following you after reading 2 of your lastest useful articles

It's been like magic since you both have been touring virtually all sphere of lives doing your accroyoga, I must say, I've enjoyed watching your Videos, I've enjoyed seeing the places you've been, your blog with Karen is just the real deal, take me with you soon

it's true as you say @teamsteem, health is the most important in life, with we can keep our body healthy, meaning we are already successful people. Because health can determine the fate of our lives. Thanks for sharing

Health is truly Wealth. I've been hearing that phrase for a while, but I got more insight about it just last year. Thanks for sharing this. I'm always thrilled seeing you both together

Health is wealth and only a person in the right state of mind can achieve things. Sometimes exercise is another way of keeping the body healthy.

Ok, I could talk about this topic forever!!!! Or at least for a maybe a few days.

I'm so curious what your health journey has been like. Were you always aware of how important health is?

I'm one of those people that has too much mercury, by the way. Maybe it's all those amalgams hanging out having a party in my mouth since I was around 12 years old.

But I've been working actively to get rid of excess metals, and, at least before I started traveling full-time, it was working!

I also have too much aluminum and copper! Have you ever been tested to see if you have too much mercury or anything in your body?

I realized very young that most people die suffering from illness and that made me realized I wanted to do much more than most people. After 1 or 2 influenzas or just really bad sick days, I told myself it would really be worth it to work on improving my health.

I'm sorry to learn you have mercury amalgams. I had a lot of them. I got them remove at a great cost but I feel like it was the right thing to do. I hope you'll be able to get them remove someday.

I never got tested for how much I have though that would be interesting.

Yeah, I'm glad you got them removed! I agree... Don't want to have any illnesses that could have been avoided

I think health is the most important thing. But unfortunately we do not pay attention to it until it comes to us badly. It is there when we then learn to value health. That divine gift that God has given us. We must be people with PREVENTIVE mentality and not wait for an evil to occur to realize what we would have saved. Blessings

very cool

yes health is everything. good health means you are rich. Healthy means rich.

I find your views on health interesting and at times extreme. I’m in the mist of reading proteinaholic by Garth Davis. Now I understand your views, have you read this book? @choogirl sent it to me.

I'd be surprised if @teamsteem hasn't read it. Pretty much all the vegans have. It makes a lot of sense. I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions though.

Health is the main thing. With a healthy body, a person can perform any activity. But many things become the perception of people how to stay healthy. If I. keeping a regular diet and not sleeping late at night.

Very interesting article to say the least. It has exposed me to a lot of ideas about health, joy and good living and right now have certainly gain your trust to open the other links. Hidden gem

Nice post. Great Mr. @teamsteem. I like your post. Wish I All the best of you.

Yeah dude you explain amazing things and ideas your dtube always best I support you always dude keep it up

i made it any one who like this,please upvote


Actually the precious thing that I know is health.. Young people do not look at health just to make money and then when we are old, we use the money to buy health. It is proven to be a healthy thing to keep a good amount of money..!

Health is wealth
So great video
Thanks to share this helpful post

Wow such an outstanding article on health prerequisites. But contrary to health being fully the factor enhancing happiness, I think that many healthy people are unhappy today, as a result of emotional, psychological, physiological, monetary and life encounters which have made their entire moods melancholic. To these traumas, the question still remains; what is the strategic remedying solutions to curbing the various individual state of mine???

I am curious as to why you didn't continue your career as a sprinter after winning the half marathon. It is good to have such fun memories. I once represented my team in a local interhouse sports competition and helped to win the trophy in soccer and pingpong but today I watch less of football. I guess time changes a lot of things.

Thanks for sharing the health videos too. However, I was thinking there would be a fourth parameter for just diet as opposed to the three parameter used.

No doubt, dieting helps a lot in keeping us fit.

The city is quite old. You really showed @karensuestudios around. It will be fun to climb down such huge staircase into the street.

I am a Gree with you my brother

Very amazing photography Thanks for sharing I like it your post..

I couldn't agree less with you @teamsteem. These few months passed has really been a health conscious one for me. I was unexpectedly away from so many things and I could achieve the less than my daily routine on norms.

Then I agreed that most vehemently "health is wealth "

I totally appreciate the way you made the health topic your to handle I learnt alot on how to treat my new health and body.

I don't even even know what to eat anymore, and even if I eat good the air I breathe is still polluted.

Whatever we do health always determine how much enjoyment we'll get from it. Health is life and life is health. Health is the purest form of freedom and from which all other forms of freedom stem.

I totally agree with you and it pretty much sums up the blog. I want to commend you for bringing value to the blockchain. Stay blessed.

thanks for sharing
video really special
enjoying good health

They are wonderful, as they would say in Venezuela, they are a dynamic duoExcellent @teamsteem, the first wealth is health. Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.

Health first, I try to take a hike everyday and get some fresh air in my lungs. Feeling very fortunate with all the nature around me, helps you get your mind right as well. Cheers

You see health is wealth as they say, by the way I love your surf 🏄 vlog with Karen and some others I don’t know smiles . The spirit of companionship which the two of you exhibits is amazing and the tours and all showing us all places we don’t even know exist. I hope to have some tours with you guys someday

"Health is wealth" it is right as I have left my job in 2013 due to health issue.

i was so determined to live a clean lifestyle last year but all of a sudden I stopped. No exercises! Less vegetable!

If not that I have a fast digestive system I wonder how I would look. After reading @hanen's post on meditation, I am determined to pick up from where I stopped.

thanks @teamsteem for this post.

I got mercury poisoned because of a filling some years ago, pretty shitty experience...I told the dentist afterwards:

  • Hey you know mercury fillings are illegal in Northern Europe?
  • Well because they're genetically more sensible to that!!

Well as wat the simple quote said "health is wealth" and we all know that, and rhats why we start to think what we can do for our. And both of tou already started it, walkingia the very simplw trick to boost our health. So walkt, gets sweat, for sweat is health hahaha a good humble start.

Thats a great and nice initiative. Health walks have great impacts on our lifes. I am a nurse and I know how it helps the body in so many ways. Keep it up!!!

Health is wealth. You sahre to us nicely. Walking is a good part of our health. It has many benefits.

My whole life I never wanted to own a car because of the cost and environmental impact, but seeing you guys go to all these cool places I could be at in a few hours or less, is starting to make me want one lol Quebec is so beautiful. Old Montreal too, but Old Quebec has more of a European feel to it and the no cars makes it feel like a theme park a bit lol

I should state, I've delighted in viewing your Videos, I've appreciated seeing the spots you've been, your blog with Karen is only the genuine article. You've put it pleasantly, wellbeing is the most vital piece of our life. As essential as life itself - you can't appreciate life on the off chance that you are loathing great wellbeing. Continue adoring, playing and fun. You are a case of each effective twofold.

I request you to help me by voting for you, one of your votes will solve my problem.

And shoutout to all health professionals and those who cherish health

Sure @teamsteem health is wealth #proudmedicalpersonel #studying to save life

Great. Tnx for your amazing content

Hello, i just upvote and follow you, please follow me back, thank you

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