
Greetings, Teamsteem

I confess I never heard that Bubblegumvaley. I think only the people who live in your country know. I live here in Brazil and have never read or heard. I found it funny the video of you in this place and you putting the gum there haha. I honestly would not do it hehehe not.

I imagine that this place should represent a lot for several people, because each one must have put a gum in some phase of life, right?

Gum is something I chew almost every day. I chew on those who are sugar-free. I bought four at the supermarket today. They were on sale!!!! If I ever come there, I'll stick a gum there hehehe!

Thank you for posting and good afternoon!!!!

Did you ever ride the Monster at La Ronde in the 90's? Not sure if it's still like that, but there used to be TONS of gum on all the walls along the twisty pathway where you waited in line. And people stuck tons of pennies in the gum, there must have been at least $100 in pennies lol

I did and I did remember it. I also think they removed them at some point.

I wonder what happened to the pennies? lol I know at malls, they often used to donate coins people threw in the fountains to charities. I hope they did the same - well, maybe clean them first, then donate them lol

I do not know which eyes to look at this, haha The first thing I would do is clean up that alley, how can kids be there?

Due to the complaints of neighbors and dealers in the area, who protested because they considered the state of this street unpleasant and unhealthy, the place was subjected to two thorough cleaning. The last, in 1985. It was useless: the chewing gum came back to take its place and the enemies of Bubblegum Alley decided to throw in the towel. That's all I know about that, it does not seem to me at all beautiful

hello friend @teamstem, when you go in the car, you remind me when I was a child and always went behind but I always showed my face between the driver and the co-driver, I didn't want to lose the excitement, that place sure is one of the most sticky in the world, you look like a trio of kids looking for adventures, this time sticky! I love gum, to be difficult to leave my gum there, hehehee greetings

OMG soooo iconic !
Lol That was fun times! :)

haha tough choice where to put that gum :D Enjoy your time!

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Thank you so much for watching this beautiful video of yours, thank you very much for giving me such a beautiful video.

We have one in seattle too in post alley.

Bubblegum alley! It’s something I’ve never heard of! So interesting.

Oh that was fantastic you guys, and you really captured the mood of it with that front screen too, hahaha! So gross, yet fascinating at the same time- A little twitterpated over the manliness of @acromott lol!

heh je je good video @teamsteem those moments were very funny and never forget

LOL, that was intense, but I could see the "art " in it all. Great Vid

OMG...It's gross.lolzzz
Nice spot selection by Karen, I bet only a few get too high to reach that spot...

I like your great work, it is just great.

Damn I grew up in California, my family would take me their multiple times a year. I would grab my little sisters and pretend I was going to push them into the gum covered walls. I remember their being tons of people in the shop next the the alley lining up to buy chewing gum. They only had one brand of gum, I was surprised lol.

I just went there yesterday! It's fascinating and disgusting all at the same time.

wow cool , i also love it, i would like to go there, but i can't go