Dear Steemit Friends:
A more intimate exploration of the beautiful Cappadocia
Everywhere you travel, you'll find signs of long forgotten peoples.
Today I'm going to take you further on my exploration of Cappadocia in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Promoted as one of the cradles of civilization, this land has seen great civilizations come and go. Everywhere you travel you'll find signs of long forgotten peoples, from ancient cities to fairy tale cave dwellings.
Sometimes known as the Anatolian Plateau, this region stretches inland from the Aegean sea. I was not surprised to learn that it is the second largest region in all of turkey, covering around 94,000 square miles or 19% of the entire country. The Central Anatolia Region is a land of extremes with temperatures soaring in the summer and plummeting below zero in the winter. In the beautiful heat of summer it was amazing to think that much of the area is covered with snow during the winter months. The unique landscape of this land that I've fallen in love with must look so magical while covered in a layer of white!
ATV Quad bikes get to places otherwise unreachable

Kapadokya is the Turkish name for the area which translates to 'land of the beautiful horses'. In times past, the local people would traverse this barren landscape on rugged horses, specially adapted to survive in this difficult place. I wanted to experience travelling as the people once did, but I can't ride a horse and they are a bit scary to me! So to get more in touch with this wild land I decided to do an ATV tour instead. I suppose it's a tiny bit similar, like a motorised horse?
Anyway, when I got to the tour I was very surprised because I didn't think I would to get my own quad bike. In my head I thought that there must be someone to drive you because I didn't really know how to ride a quad bike. But after some simple information on how to control our bikes, we drove off in to the plateau, each with our own ATV! As you can imagine it was quite scary at first but after a while you start to feel more comfortable. They are quite stable and easy to control and you always followed you guide on safe paths.
I had enough time to get used to my ATVs, driving carefully to follow my guide towards the first destination. I felt like a bit of a wild woman out in the dessert! Once I had got used to being on the quad bike I was able to start looking around and admiring the scenery of Cappadocia. Moving through the landscape you started to get a small idea of what it would be like to live in such a place. The contrast between lush green trees and bushes and the red, orange and yellows of the rocks was beautiful. The local economy of the region is primarily based on growing apricots and squash, and of course a little from tourism, so much of the greenery spread around the land are the crops that are nearly ready to be harvested.
My first stop on my little tour was Sword Valley, or Kiliclar Vadisi as the locals call it. It is one of the smallest valleys in the region but has some of the best examples of the famous fairy chimneys that makes this region so special. The valley was named for its clearly formed sword shaped spires. They are distinctly smoothed into sword like shapes that rise high in to the sky. As you can see, even some the vertical chimneys have man made holes cut in to them. Can you imagine climbing the spires without ropes to hollow out the rock?
The ancient peoples of this region used every piece of rock that they could to build their cave homes. Hundreds of people used to live here and you can see that their dwellings rise high up the side of spires and cliffs, over looking the valley. We weren't able to visit the cave dwellings up high that you see here, but I loved to try and imagine their view. You must be able to see for miles and miles, tucked safely in your snug cave in a fairy tale spire. I was amazed by how big the spires that surrounded me were as I walked up close to them.
Human habitation in the region dates back as far as the Palaeolithic period but the more recent habitation and man made cave dwelling started from the Hittite era between 1800 - 1200 BC. After this time, the region became a haven for Christians fleeing persecution. Nearly every cave settlement has a church carved straight out of the rock for the Christian people to worship while still being able to hide and defend themselves from being attacked.
The small holes, set high in the rock face, are called dovecotes which were carved by ancient settlers for the birds to live in. I wasn't sure why they kept such small birds but I like to think it was so they woke to bird song every morning!
The rock formations were formed over millions of years by a mixture of land and sky. This area of Turkey once had many active volcanoes, whose explosions of rock, gas and ash had a big impact on the development of the landscape and rock in the region. Over millions of years, the contrasting weather of the plateau caused much of the softer rock that was formed of volcanic ash to be weathered away. Over the millennia these spectacular rock formations were exposed. You can see the natural waves in many of the rocks where they have been weathered by the elements.
These were some of the best examples of the fairy chimneys that I saw in Cappadocia. Their uniformity looks man made but the actual rock formations are completely natural. The man-made doorways and caves into the interior of the spires show a beautiful congruity between humans and nature. Usually, we mine and quarry stone to build houses, where we destroy the landscape and cause much harm to the environment. Here in this beautiful landscape, early man decided to live at one with their surroundings rather than destroying it by building their homes into the natural rock formations.
The next stop on my tour was the Love Valley. When I got there I was wholly embarrassed to learn that the name of the valley was a bit of a euphemism... I'll just say that I didn't want to take too many close ups of the rock formations here! I was glad to learn the Turkish name for the valley was Bağıldere which relates more to the stream that runs through this area, rather than the shapes of the rocks, so I decided to call it that in my head from then on.
Though my cheeks were still glowing a healthy pink through most of my time at this stop I must say that these formations were probably the most surreal to look upon. Some of the spires stood as tall as forty meters high and were almost vertical. It seemed like at any moment they should just fall over even though they have stood here like this for thousands and thousands of years. I was very glad of my guide because there were so many soaring rock chimneys that I felt certain that one wrong turn and I might get lost in a fairy tale!
As my day on my ATV began drawing to a close, I had one more surprise in store for me. The tour finished in the Red and Rose Valleys just as the sun was setting and we all parked I parked my quad bike ready to be washed and serviced by the tour company. As you can see, this is where many different quad biking tours finished and it took a little while for all of the tours to finish and park so that peace could once again return to the valleys.
I thought this must be the end of the tour because the men started parking the quad bikes safely and even cleaning off the dusk from tourist's legs with a little air gun, however I was wrong. My guide took me on a short walk up to the top of the rock formation that you see below called Aktepe Hill.
Once I reached the top I was amazed because the view was truly breathtaking and I now knew why the valleys were named the Red Valley and the Rose Valley. In one direction spread the Red Valley and in the other the Rose Valley and they were both coloured by the sun in the same colour as their name. I learned from my guide that the unique types of rock that these valleys were formed from caused them to be these beautiful red and rose colours, but that in the sunset their colours were magnified more vividly. The greens of the apricot trees show off the red of the rocks even more and it was a truly special atmosphere to be here to see this place.
The sunset from this vantage point was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen and the silence that had settled across the valley once the ATV tours had all finished was really quite magical. You feel like Cappadocia cannot get anymore special and then you sit in the quiet of the arid landscape and look out on what both nature and man has created and it becomes even more so.
Turkish food never ceases to amaze
Once I returned to the main local city of Goreme, I just had to try some authentic Turkish cuisine. As I walked the short distance to Seten Anatolian Restaurant in the cool of the evening, the town looked so pretty lit up by different coloured lights. Even in this area more touched by modern architecture, you can still see rock spires rising in to the sky with the buildings built in to and around them.
Seten maintains its rustic charms with its exposed stone walls, intimate courtyard and tasteful interior design using locally made rugs, art and pottery.
The restaurant is located on the hillside in Goreme with panoramic views of the town and is part of the Kelebek Cave Hotel. Seten Anatolian Restaurant maintains its rustic charms with its exposed stone walls, intimate courtyard and tasteful interior design using locally made rugs, art and pottery. Opened in 2010, the restaurant is one of the best in the area and prides itself on delivering authentic Anatolian cuisine. There is even a cookery school here so you can learn how to make the local food. Seten gets its name from the Turkish word for the ancient round stone mill that was used to grind grains. The restaurant also has an ancient cave room that was used for hundreds of years for turning grapes in to wine, that they have now converted in to a Wine Cave Cellar where they produce their own homemade wines. I have to say I was intrigued to go and visit it but then the food arrived and my tummy and tongue became too engrossed in the delicate and interesting flavours and so I forgot to go and see where they made their wines!
As I have come to expect from Turkey, the food was fresh and diverse with contrasting sweets and sours. What Seten Anatolian Restaurant did better than any other restaurant that I've visited here in Turkey, though, was that each dish felt like it had four or five different smaller dishes on the plate at once. You could try a little bit of everything and each mouthful gave you different bursts of flavour. When you combined these different elements of the meal they still complimented each other and I have to say I was sad when it was over, though I was also extremely full!
Thank you for travelling with me once again. It was so lovely to have you on the back of my quad bike with me to see all of the stunning scenery to be found in the many valleys of Cappadocia. I think my favourite part of my tour would have to be the sunset at the Red and Rose Valleys because there was something so magical in the atmosphere that it made everyone that was there go quiet. We all knew that there is something special about this place with the sun kissing the rocks that have seen humans live in harmony with them for thousands of years.
Thank for you all of the kind comments on my last post after a small gap since my last posts. I'm so happy that you could all come back and travel a long with me once again. Don't forget to upvote if you liked the post, follow me if you love travel blogs and leave a comment to let me know what you think!

不知绕过多少此起彼伏的山,我们到达了剑谷,穿梭于各式各样的精灵烟囱群之间,我感受到了自己的渺小,从空中看我们的车队也就是这片壮丽土地上微不足道的蚂蚁军团吧。剑谷全长约2.7公里,我们停下车爬坡探寻了位于剑谷深处的古老教堂遗迹。接着我们又马不停蹄的赶往下一个目的地,玫瑰谷,全长约4.8公里,从高处欣赏精灵烟囱之余,还可以饱览山谷里的岩石因日光角度不同而变换出的缤纷色彩。最后我们终于准时到达落日观赏点Sunset Point,在这里可以欣赏格雷梅360度全景。山体的沟壑,在低角度阳光照射下,上演着一场光影大戏,夕阳洒下柔和的淡金色,眼下这辽阔壮丽的山谷显现出秀丽的柔情,奇岩林立的颜色之美,层次之细密,似乎让相机无力捕捉。在与夕阳水平的地方,静静欣赏落日的动态之美,曾经离我遥远的大片中的场景如今就在我眼前,上演着一场视觉盛宴,让我感叹自然的伟大力量,锻造出了这世上独一无二的神奇画面。带着夕阳西下那一丝丝感动,伴着落日的余晖,我们回到了小镇上,领队还耐心的拿着吹灰尘的工具为我们每个人除去身上的灰尘,这里如痴如醉的美将永存于我的心中。
My video is at DLive
yummyyy the food looks sooo good as always!!! I love it!!! and those places are sooo incredible!! You look so pretty too! :)) Its a really cute bow!! :)))
alla thank you darling! :)
here for the first time at your blog i mean i am just amaze that how did i miss your amazing post i mean these is the only thing we should see wanderful
your beautiful dear :)
Yummy indeed. It makes me want to eat more corn and potato.
Agreeeed! Definitely a comprehensive photo, text and video essay. This place on earth somehow never went trough my mind. Based on this post alone I would like to book my flight.
wow, i'm really glad it had this effect on you, even for gaining some terrific experiences for yourself, it is well worth it!
When deciding on vacations sometimes a better place to look is in these type post . You may just stumble into a golden area .
All of the food looks delicious @sweetsssj! And you look super pretty too! I imagine you look like a living doll in person hehe thanks for the great post!
hey emdesan, thank you so much!!
You're welcome! I hope you post more often!
Some persons birth with god gifts😎🍴✌👐👐✋👍
what a loaded sandwich! my goodness.
Haha, that's exact the opposite of the food presented on the post.
I admit, burgers are on my diet plan.
ok this is fucken nasty :D
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Hi! I am trying to raise some SBD for a charitable cause but the post is not doing as well as I have expected it to do. Do you think you could check it out and see what you can do? Or anyone in this thread? All help is appreciated. The post will be closing in a couple of days:
Call to action: let´ s save a mountain forest in Cameroon! Charity giveaway + special photocontest for 10 SBD!
Beautiful pictures. What an adventure you've had.
wow. This place looking so nice . Photographs of rock are too good. I think this place is suitable for the shooting of some adventure series.
It is so nice! I'm pretty sure it has been used in movies before, certainly lots of travel tv shows!
some sort of movie scene. This would have been a perfect site for Indiana Jones movies
Thanks for sharing another set of eye-watering views and mouthwatering food. It's a one-of-a-kind tour!
Such a lovely place! @sweetsssj
Incredible place with dream like landscape!
how do u manage to stay this slim after eating all those foods ... i will start gaining weigh even just by inhailing oxygen... :i want to die : lol
I'm on borrowed time probably! I guess I'm quite active as well so that helps??
Secret is in the gut, in your liver, in fasting, and in your metabolism: which can and may help people be healthy. Being skinny or fat is not the most important thing. Some fat people can be healthy. Some skinny people can be starving and dying and not healthy.
thanks hiroyamagishi!
a beautiful girl blends with nature
I've never thought Turkey such a beautiful place, thanks for sharing @sweetsssj :)
Turkey is beautiful in so many different ways, it could be the culture, or it could be the geology / geography, or even the history. So many things to appreciate!
Turkey is nice country but now with all the carry with syria and war its too dangerous to go here many people would not take the risk. i know i would not
Interesting theory :D You have no idea about Turkey. Don't believe every tv shows =)
I was listening to what the president of South Africa was saying today.
You watch to much tv😂😂😂. A war?
I was listening to the man talk. He said words about redistribution.
Well it shouldn't be said that Turkey is dangerous to go without seeing the situation because of Syrian war in Middle East.Belive me come and see the peace.
I am Turkish and I had no idea there were so many cool places in Turkey. oh and I would probably ride with an ATV as well. Also, Beautiful shots as always and the food is yet again mouthwatering :)
Hi generation! I must say I loved Turkey a whole lot (I've been blogging about it for months now) you're very lucky to grow up in such a culturally rich country! Thanks for visiting!
Unfortunately, I didn't grow up in Turkey. I was born in Bulgaria and moved to America when i was 10 years old. But there are a lot of Turks in Bulgaria because Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire. I have visited Turkey a few times (probably a lot less than you) and I have a lot of family that lives there and I have tried reading and educating my s elf about Turkey so I can know my background :)
Well i'm so glad that you decided to undertake a root seeking exercise. It is always a great thing to learn more about your lineage.
There is always something to learn and as long as we are alive we will always be learning. I figured that it is always useful when you learn a little bit about your lineage :)
hmmmm i admire your work keep it up.
wow wow and wow... that looks like an amazing adventure... and you look really beautiful to just had to say that.. super nice image and the food looks so inviting.. you are very lucky to be living this dream while you are still so young to enjoy it... thanks for sharing
thank you ezimedia! :)
so you are stranger to your on country...see turkey first before the world joke
I was once in Turkey just for a few hours and i saw a just little of its beatuy, but imust admit that this your post make me wanna go there forever 😁
do it!!!
welcome to Dlive @sweetsssj! 歡迎你啊! 😉😉 From Team Dlive
ahh travelgirl thank you, you guys have been doing very well!
Please Follow Me Back.
I also dream to visit these places.
I think Turkish government should promote their Tourism since they have beautiful places right there and now @sweetssj is doing the promotion of Turkish Tourism spot.
@sweetssj's beauty is perfect to ad the beautiful tourism spot due to her lovely appearance.
Cool places and mouthwatering dishes!
yes such a beautiful place but it seems its not well packaged like Paris,Germany and other European cities and countries
Definitally a place on my list now!
aww thank you so much dear, I'm sure Turkey has done some promoting of their own! Still, the experiences and stories are worth telling and sharing, so that's what I'll be doing! :)
Great post! I like all the pics and great job putting together! I use you as an example to what’s possible on the site! Thanks for your hard work and continued commitment to the Steemit community!
hey brett, thank you so much! I'm looking forward to seeing you grow on the platform long term as well!
amazing ! i want more !
more will come!
These natural views are spectacular .. Glory to the Creator
Turkey is a beautiful country .. good for you
Great post
“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”
― Pascal Mercier
Good quote!
Agreed, we drip off oatmeal wherever we go. And home is where the heart is.
And with oatmeal in my bowl, hehe, is Jesus in your soul?
You are almost travelling all the worlds in the world alr!
Awesome post! Followed!
skycornish, thanks!!
Really enjoyed your travel post. Photos are beautiful!
wow. your posting is really good.
It's easy to read and clear pictures.
I hope i would be like you :)
I can say that your blog here on Steemit has been one of the biggest motivation givers for me and it has given me an enormous amount of inspiration to keep on going with Steemit!
I started out not long ago, but I remember when I first heard about you I was like... this is where I want to get to. On that level! Not to take your place or anything, but your blog is just so amazing that I wish my blog could be so amazing one day as well, haha!
So it's really awesome to see one of my biggest influencers joining us on DLive. Looking forward to see more of this "new, experimental" video content and who knows.. maybe you'll even put up a livestream one day, eh? :D
Welcome on board, girl!
heyyy kassixo thank you so much for some really positive and encouraging comments, I don't think we've ever conversed before, but i'm glad it's better late than never. One of the things that really helped me is that I had really wonderful people such as yourself giving me lots of support along the way, telling me their thoughts along the way. A lot of experimentation is going to come but step by step right? :)
Thanks again!
Agreed, she is a face that keeps on giving. It gets us up in the morning. like sunshine. Like as precious as a child. That is a big secret in life for sure.
You are so beautiful just like the natural photos you have uploaded
The scenery works wonders!
I thought it wasn't safe to travel in Turkey at this time or is this only in certain areas? I would love to visit it seems like it is a place that people love.
i had tried ATV before when we visited Albay to see the beautiful Mount Mayon up to the lava front. here's a preview:
Ooh very cool junebride! I lovee the red and the blue!!
Looks like fun on those RV bikes.
This place looks amazing. Definately one to add to the list!
yes definitely, it's even going back on my list!
Sweet photography.
Your blog posts are always great!!
So much to see and read :-)
The place looks amazing and the food pictures make me very hungry! Ha Ha.
Look forward to the next one.
Take care
hey furn01, see you in the next one, thanks again!
nice ride.
Upload a video of you riding that bike if you have one. Did you dare to go fast?
I've never had Turkish food. Must be yummy. Anything like Mid-east food?
Actually I kind of associate turkish food to be quite like middle eastern food. Seten restaurant is slightly more up market but usually you'll find the Mezes which are like mini starters usually served with some bread.
Hi sweet, you always amazed me.
this is a wonderful place to visit with the family,
the place is so awesome, all pictures are taken perfectly especially this one..

thanks for sharing this wonderful travel adventure,
as always you captivated our hearts through your travels.
the food looks so tasty and reflects the culture of the place.
i also love the video @# Travel with me #105 : The ATV tour of Cappadocia!
Upvoted and resteem your post.
mrblu thank you! This is one of my favourite pictures actually, this was taken just outside where i stayed the first night!
very cool. sweet, the place you standing is very historic place too..
the place is fantastic, I've enjoy watching the videos too.
My name is Joey and I love Joey from Friends and Sweet.
great post and amazing pictures..Looks like you had a great time..:)
thanks morninglory, you're right about that!
The food looks so good as always!!! I love it!!! and those places are so incredible!
you have all the fun
You enjoy as well as earn.
Such a beautiful landscape.
amazing landscape right? Can't believe how beautiful it is!
Wau ,,,, amazing. I love you . You are my inspiration
Those are crazy rock formations, especially the pointed top ones. But they're also quite beautiful, I want to thank you because I haven't even heard of these things yet. Maybe one day I can visit as well. Love the food pictures as well and I love going off-road and ATV'ing too!
Wow the place looks so beautiful....the foods looks yummy and delicious!!! and you look so pretty as always :)
I too tried riding a ATV Quad Bike once when we were in Siem Reap Cambodia. I totally agree, it was a bit scary at first. Since I don't know how to drive, I had to do a driving test for them to assess if I can ride the quad bike alone or not. Good thing, I passed. The experience wouldn't be the same if I had someone else drive for me. But I must say, your view is more spectacular than what I saw in Cambodia. I did a blog about it a while back too. You can check it out here.
Anyway, this looks really fun and you still look pretty even when you had your helmet on. :) And that hillside view is beautiful.
wincee! That sounds really fun! I need to visit Cambodia soon! It's quite surprising how simple it is after just a few minutes of trying right!? At least I was much less afraid after a few minutes!
You should visit Cambodia if you haven't yet. It is inexpensive too.
I never thought I could drive or ride anything aside from a bicycle. I am so afraid of driving that's why I never learned how to. But I really enjoy the ATV ride and yeah, it was very simple to maneuver after a few minutes of riding it. I really want to try it again if I get a chance.
Yeah, biking can be scary and motorbiking was pretty scary for me at times in Vietnam but it was also an amazing five year journey and one guy was riding so fast.
Thank you for an amazing post. I just started following your blog and am in awe of how talented you are in applying your sense of aesthetics.
Any haters you get are just jealous of you.
hi zeetetrahedron (cool name by the way!) Thank you so much, I do hope you get some entertainment, knowledge and value out of my posts, I do put a lot of effort into them!
Agreed that the haters are going to hate, hehe, and are lonely and jealous.
Be patient as people may come around. Learn to forgive and to be there for them.
Wow... So much fun u had. I can imagine being on the quad bike as a woman.... U must hv felt on top of the world. So many beautiful pictures.. Great adventure.... Great food. It felt so nice to be at the back of your quad bike to see all these lovely places. Looks so real. Great one @sweetsssj U look so stunning
Oh gosh oredebby it was such an exhilarating experience, and thrilling ride too, there is something that appeals to me about the raw dusty loudness of a quad bike out in the open. I guess i've been sitting in the comfort of a normal car for too long!
Hahahaha i totally agree. It's a whole new experience and the one that will stick better and longer. Since i am officially your tour buddy, we are doing this quad bike again...i want to see and feel your excitement and then put it down in poem for you.
Yeah, she was probably top of the world like the lovers on Titanic. Hehe.
My favorite blogger! 😍
belvaj! Lovely to see you still doing well !
Thank you, Sweetsssj! You have no idea how happy you made me today! 😊
Forever awesome.
You love Turkey very much so do I. I really love how you write, take pictures, and your fashion is super cute. You look like a fairy in rocks.
haha thank you so much lebron, actually the rocks are called fairy chimney's i suspect that's because from afar, the birds flying into their nests inside the rocks will look like fairies!
Yes, she is a lovely fairy. You might be a fairy too, hehe.
the mount view is just incredible,
Food view is mouth watering
you Looks Extremely cute :)
funnystuff, you have a way with words, short but sweet :)
You're photos and often look like places from far away fantasy realms.
I think people are drawn to ancient land formations because they are in such contrast to humans, nearly eternal compared to us - specks of ephemeral dust that are here for only a short time. I mean, millions of years old? It's inconceivable to the human mind except in a very abstract way.
jenkinrocket! I think you have some very good points there, and I agree, we are drawn to formations which incite a feeling of mystery. My thoughts were that these were dwellings or creations of aliens, don't you think the landscape reminds you a little bit of mars?
Hmm. Yes, there is something alien about them, isn't there? You're making me want to look up Mars photos for comparison!
Fantasy is what we make life for sure.
I wonder how it's looks inside those holes of rocks. Did you get in or see? I also amazed with their perfectly blue sky. Great captures by the way! You're so lucky to be there
If you look at my last post, there are some pictures of inside the cave hotels. In later posts i'm going to be looking at some of the other famous cave hotels in the area as well as some of the underground cities!
Cool! I'll check it out and wait for your next update :)
Im from istanbul/TURKEY... if u want l can help you about travel nTurkey
because they also really like to travel to a beautiful place.after they (4 friends) see the travel blog @sweetsssj in STEEMIT.
4 friends always ask me, to be able to introduce them to you.
and asked me to take a picture of them with the @sweetsssj poster.
be my end i photographed them with your photo.
Regards @komenk81 & 4 friends
haha that's great, they are cute little things!
thank you, for his attention to 4 friends.
and they ask their permission to stick to @sweetsssj posters in their bedroom.
Hey there, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I love your art and I do art too.
It looks so fun and kid friendly and everything.
always fun doing hobbies and can play with children.
greetingsyes that's really true friend @joeyarnoldvn .
awesome forever
👍thanks bro..
nice post you friends