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is this live? proof? :)

during the break, i am going to try to set a 24/7 stream for music

no, i am sure it is possible but right now i cant

it is on the front page tho, it is just homer with chill music

hahahaha same, i am blazin, do you have a more a serious contact (like email, reddit or anything)

agreed, this is probably the right time to stream on dlive, this is insane

i know, there are a lot of minor problem with dlive, i am going to make a full review, that is why i am doing a super long stream to see how much we can push this stuff.

I accept donations in the form of jokes

So I take it this works then. Excellent...

First time i got rick rolled in a long time. Good job. :P

Haha. Well taken-

But.. Spoiler alert

Just for the record, I will be streaming for real in the coming days, this was mostly for test purposes.

what are you going to stream

I am thinking about a few different ideas.

sounds good, i ll follow to check you out on later streams

from gaming to reviewing content on steemit with added commentary..

maybe a bit of conspiracy stuff. Who knows

haha thats great, I am going to try to do more stuff but i have my finals right now so i ll wait to pass the exams, then i ll start streaming much more stuff

You're not clickable in this chat box

Something to recommend to the dlive developers

But yeah, there is hardly anyone here right now. Might have a chance to get in really early on something spectacular here. I was late too Steemit, but right on time for this it would appear.

no donation :(

I would get on my mic but I just had a joint and I talk some serious shit when I am high. I will save that for tomorrow.

But I am about to play my brother at mariokart, so I want to find a way to show that whilst still rickrollin' anyone who clicks on the video

you should stream yourself high

Nah. I am not that stupid. Lol.

I think the guy on the other stream is on acid

what stream?

because we cant direct chat on steem, right?

Just because I can't do much else with my PC while I have the Rick Astley on. Lol.

I just had a great idea for a live stream, and am working on what I need for that now.

the drawing one?

yeah I think you might be right

I feel like i am on acid just watching it

bro 7 people are waiting for the stream, no pressure :)

but there's another idea. I haven't been able to find the time to paint in quite a while.. dlive might change that

man i am getting a sinister vibe from that. that chicken thing looks dead, and now I am wondering what the other drawings are

live drawing is an interesting concept

nah i looked closer and it's mostly animals, and not dead. but fair play to anyone who can monetize doodling

loulauman, I cannot see your stream

yes, my bad. I see it now

is there a way to listen to other shit on your computer with earphones while streaming desktop sound?

I will have to do some research tomorrow

i actually dont know, but it is fine right because i am studying

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