Every cloud has a silver lining and this is a minor setback, hackers are getting good but because of this new measures are going to be taken and the things that you have mentioned sounds pretty much it which is going to secure @dlive even more cause only those who fall can stand up again, it’s no wonder that you guys are getting immense support from the other steemians cause you get what you give and @dlive has given soo much and been kind to soo many, one of the users upvoted during this attack was my brother. I know you guys are going to make it safe as a concrete and once again you have given a great example that being a developer developing the site is not your only job but supporting it and making it a great place is also your job like you are doing by using your steem to support the posts for the time being dlive upvote power is drained out. Keep up the good work and i am more excited to post on dlive because of you people calm and kind reaction. #indlivewetrust
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