Rep 70 and Happy first anniversary to me... But, who Am I ?!

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)



I am Roxane, you probably have never heard about me since I blog mostly in french ! But if you were speaking french you would have seen me posting one educational video about Steem per day for 9 months. You maybe would have learn stuff with me. And maybe you would have been motivated by me. We would have share our stories. And maybe, we would be Steem friends.

But... I decided to choose the hard path of Steem: posting in french. Daily. With almost no rewards for months. So I could empower french people to join. And stay.

Rewards have grown. Reputation with it. And the French Community at the same time.

So, yes, I promise, I am a real Steem girl and more now as you can see in the video !

And if you want to discover more about me, please check my introduction post....... in english !. I made it on my alt account (the personal account, not the Steem french teacher account ;-)) It was a bit more than a year... Already !

Hope we can meet on the way, to my second Steem anniversary !

With love,


My video is at DLive


Happy Steemiversary!
And Congratulation to reputation 70. This is an amzing achievement in such a short time, and it's of course well deserved! Hoping to see you soon again!

You are part of my success dear ! Thank for your friendship all along the way :) ❤️

Yeah, amazing achievement. I really don't know how she finds so many ideas to post daily.
I would take probably about 20 to 30 videos and that's it, no more ideas

Congratulations @roxane it is my first time seeing you writing English article! Otherwise I guess your journey was not easy, 1 year + 70rep. Not everyone can do that!

C'est clair que 70 et 1 an... C'est long. En fait ce qui est surtout long c'est la manque de soutien pendant des mois, il faut pas craquer dans ces moments-là. J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer une bonne fée qui m'a permis de continuer à m'impliquer à 100% (et surtout en dehors de steem :))

Hello dear @bmotives, en effet, je n'écris pas souvent en anglais (et encore moins des vidéos)... même si j'ai bcp hésité à le faire (pour avoir plus facile à trouver une place sur la plateforme).

pour avoir plus facile à trouver une place sur la plateforme

Oui, et ça a réussi. Vraiment tu m'inspires à être spécifique et engagé!

So glad that you wrote another post in English. Your French posts are usually too difficult for me to read, although I live six months a year in France (since the two years after my retirement as a Principal).

Congratulations on your rep of 70. I know how difficult it is to raise in rep especially when you are already above 60 or so. I do hope that you will also (sometimes) write a post in English like you did today. Kind regards, Clio

I really worked hard for it so I am really really proud :)
Sorry for not publishing in english, It would even be easier for me to do just the english part but if I do that I am sure french will follow in english and the people who don't speak at all will never stay here ... :-/
Thank you again for your nice comment,
Happy to see that you are still in the Steem game :)

Hello dear @clio, thank you for your kind words.

Congratulations on your level 70 milestone and your first anniversary on this platform! Awesome!

Happy Birthday!!

Thank you @virtualgrowth 😘 Hope you are well by the way :) It's been a long time !

Congratulations!!! You worked super hard and seriously did a lot for Steemit! <3

Thank you @connecteconomy !So have to have meet you along the way :) Let's keep growing :)

great woman, great achievments, congratulations !!!

1 educational video per
How do you find ideas for it?

Idea are everywhere. And first : the white-Paper / The Blue-Paper / The daily life on Steem (especially the tag #steemdev #steemapps etc) @lanmis

The Blue-Paper ?
How much time per day you spend on steemit, if I may ask?

I have spent 16 hours per day for 9 months @lanmis...

Je me souviens bien quand tu étais déprimée par le manque de résultat ;-)
C'est bien tu as perseveré et te voilà ! ^_^

Bravo !

Oui, Steem m'en a fait voir de toutes les couleurs ... Je l'ai vraiment pris très à coeur ;-)
Merci pour ton petit Wonkie.
Gros bisous

Coucou @barbara-orenya,

Je viens de voir que tu étais en réputation 70 !!!
WOW, toutes mes félicitations, c'est très largement mérité ☺️ j'espère sincèrement que tu vas continuer sur ce rythme 👍

J'ai atteint mon objectif, je vais me calmer maintenant ;-) Vitesse de croisière activée ;-)
Je t'embrasse fort, j'espère que tout baigne.Coucou @paikan, merci 😘

Nice , 1 year , im here 3 weeks , and i start to see it also.

@saarinout Good luck, Steem is a really challenge place :)

Yeaaaaah Happy Birthday !!

You just get over Ned with your reputation ! ;o)
Congratzz !

😅😂😂 LOL @happydaddyfr ... By the way is he still following me ? 😎 Not sure 😅😂

Just have to ask him I guess, that's the power of Rep70 !

Rep 70 ... It's not really important.... It is for me, because it was hard to get it. But it's so insignifiant pour tout ceux qui se la paient...

Hahaha or check on a steem tool ;-) Shouldn't be complicate to find ;-) I just prefer to keep the myth intact and think that he still follow me 😆😆😆 @happydaddyfr

Ahaha i like your franglais ! ;o)

oups @happydaddyfr 😅 Jviens de capter 😂😂😂

C'est vraiment un parcours incroyable ! 70, ça me paraît tellement inaccessible, même si j'espère un jour y arriver aussi :D Félicitation à toi !

Merci beaucoup @naruitchi, 70 c'est CHAUD CHAUD CHAUD 😂😅 Bonne chance 😘

Happy 1 year anniversary Roxanne!
Excellent boulot sur la communauté française, c'est chouette je voir des gens qui persevere and then it works out!
Give us some hope. We had to be away for a about 14 days and now back in sharing our travels :-)

Hâte de voir vos voyages @nomadsfix ! Vous me donnez envie ! Mais il me manque le " j'ose sortir de ma zone de confort " :)

Pourtant avec tous tes projets, je suis sure que ca n'est qu'un seul pas ;-) et puis tu le dis toi même être minimaliste pour être prêt a partir n'importe quand ;-)
Au plaisir de regarder la suite des videos/articles ;-)

C'est exact @nomadsfix ... Il n'y a qu'un pas :) Un tout petit pas.....

Joyeux Anniversaire @roxane.

Merci @jeanpi1908 ! On se suit ;-) Enfait je suis juste un peu plus vieille que toi 😅

Happy Steemiversary!

Thank you so much @jiujitsu 🙏🙏🙏

Rep 70 and Happy first anniversary!

thank you dear @skyleap :) Thank again for the beautiful profil picture you made me ;-)

1 year and counting! Cheers! 🍾

Wow. First of all, huge congratulations on your 1st anniversary and amazing reputation. This is amazing to hit 70 reputation in just 1 year.

I wish I could do that, but I'll be happy with 65, if I get there.

Love the jacket. That is really cool and it looks really good on you.
Enjoy @roxane

Rep doesn't really mean anything on Steem nowadays. But I am so proud of mine ;-)))
You know, I have worked very hard for it because it was my goal. You have probably others more important stuff to do than increasing your rep ;-) But hope you can get there too ;-)

Hello @joalvarez, thank you for your comment,

Happy 1 year anniversary!

Thank you so much dear @jimmylin 😍 One year is sooo long and short :D I am so happy !!!!!!!! ❤️

Congrats on your first milestone, is there gonna be a celebration??😏😏😏

Hahahah noooo celebration on Steem @oghie but a big celebration in my head 😂😂😂

Lol, am happy for you

Congratulation @roxane.

Hey you there my dear @pnc 😍 ❤️

Happy Steem Birthday @roxane! I'm glad I've met you through this platform. You are a wonderful and an amazing person! Let's continue to the Second STEEM year!

thank you sweet @zord189 !!! I am so happy to have met you too :D And I wear your t-shirt :D :D :D Hope to meet you in real life soon (SF3 ! :D)

Enjoy your moment, it is wonderful to grow and know how to guide those of us who are starting in this adorable social network, thanks for your support, regards @roxan

Congratulations Roxane! I think you should write English translation as well. You'll get a wider audience including me 😜

Thank for your comment, Hope you are well ! Still traveling ?Dear @wandereronwheels, I know I know I know.... :-/ It's been since Steemfest that I tought starting in english because of you all !!!! But it's hard for me to switch from languages and I want to empower the french.... But I have seen people doing in severals language their posts... And I did that too just after SF2.

Congrats!! That happened to me too! My one year, I also hit 70 rep! :)

So.... See you soon I have heard :D Happy to meet you in real ! I am sure we will have a lot of fun together !

Haa congratulation @karensuestudios !!! It's amazing right ? :) We are part of the warriors ^^ 😂😂😂 And now we can have a rest for a little while 😅😂😂😂