
Damn I know a lot of games are copying PUBG but this Surviving Mars has taken it to the next level it looks just like PUBG😂🤣😂

got bored already LOl

really, its not your kinda thing?

PUBG addict 🙂

you got a mic there? your stream boring

so is your face

@silverkingsize how have you been watching this? it's so boring, he doesn't even talk and he can't kill anyone

taiwanese hater

I'm picking up pro tips Jimmy @JimmyLin ... I actually came to have a look at Surviving Mar

@Jimmylin he's got 7 kills man

@silverkingsize wouldn't have known with this gameplay :P lol jk

r3m's going for double figures

boom there it is 10 kills

I guess I must be easily impressed 😀